I want to compile one less file from
sites/all/themes/bic/res/less/style.less to
Here's what I did

So the Arguments I used is: --no-color $FileName$ ../css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
This will produce: /usr/local/bin/lessc --no-color blogs.less ../css/blogs.css at phpstorm console, and works fine.
I might miss something. Anyway, I tried both "--no-color $FileName$ $ProjectFileDir$/sites/all/themes/bic/res/css/$FileDirPathFromParent(less)$" and "--no-color $FileName$ $ProjectFileDir$/sites/all/themes/bic/res/css/$FileDirPathFromParent(less)$$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css". Neither of them work for me. So just post my solution here, which might help some people who has the same trouble with me..