我遇到了指针和范围的问题。我正在尝试维护一组指向对象的指针链表。当我尝试在一个函数中 push_front() 时,它可以工作。但是,如果我尝试在程序的另一部分中遍历列表,则列表不再包含任何数据,并且我的指针是错误的。
这是我的 parseCommands 函数的一部分。问题是调用 printList 时:
Administrator *adminPtr = new Administrator(); // create new Administrator pointer
//local variables...
string adminName; //administrator's name
int adminMNum; //administrator's M Number
string adminEmail; //administrator's email address
string adminTitle; // administrator's title
// read in & store data for new administrator
inData >> adminName; //read in data
adminPtr->setName(adminName); //set admin name
inData >> adminMNum;
adminPtr->setMNum(adminMNum); // set admin M Number
inData >> adminEmail;
adminPtr->setEmail(adminEmail); // set admin email address
inData >> adminTitle;
adminPtr->setTitle(adminTitle); //set admin title
// finished storing new administrator info
// add Administrator to list
cout << "Adding Administrator: " << endl;
cout << "in records office adminPtr/newPerson: " << adminPtr << endl;
universityList.addPerson(adminPtr); // call addPerson--hashTable
//universityList.printPerson(adminPtr); // print admin info using polymorphic method
//cout << "The load factor (alpha) is: " << universityList.getLength()/universityList.getMaxTableSize() << endl; // print alpha
universityList.printList(adminPtr->getMNum()); // print all items at table[loc]--breaks here
cout << endl;
printList 工作正常的 addPerson 函数:
template <typename T>
void HashTable<T>::addPerson(T newPerson) { //newPerson is a pointer to a person object
int loc; // array location provided by hashFunction
cout << "in hashtable newPerson: " << newPerson << endl;
loc = hashFunction(newPerson->getMNum()); // get loc
table[loc].push_front(&newPerson); // add to list at table[loc] passing address of pointer to person
printList(newPerson->getMNum()); // print all items at table[loc]--works here
size++; // increment size
} //end function
printList 函数在 addPerson 中调用时起作用,但在 parseCommands 中不起作用:
template <typename T>
void HashTable<T>::printList(searchKeyType key) { //print list of items held in array location
int loc = hashFunction(key); // get array location
if (table[loc].empty()) { // if list is empty
cout << "Can not print person M" << key << " NOT found" << endl << endl;
} //end if empty
list<T*>::iterator iter; // stl iterator
iter = table[loc].begin();
cout << "in printList table[loc]begin " << *iter << endl; //print address of table[loc]begin.()--where iter points
cout << "in printList item in table[loc]begin " << **iter << endl; // print address of the pointer that iter points to
while(iter != table[loc].end()) { // for each item in the list
(**iter)->print(); // print person info using polymorphic method
} //end for
} // end else
} // end printList
void Administrator::print()const {
// print Administrator info
cout << " " << "Full Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << " " << "M Number : "<< getMNum() << endl;
cout << " " << "Email Addr: " << getEmail() << endl;
cout << " " << "Title: " << getTitle() << endl;
}; // end print function
template<typename T>
class HashTable{
HashTable(); // constructor
bool isEmpty()const; //determines if the hash table is empty
int getLength() const; // returns (size) number of Persons in table (accessor)
int getMaxTableSize() const; // returns tableSize (size of array)
void addPerson(T person); // adds new Person
void removePerson(searchKeyType key); // deletes Person from the HashTable
void printPerson(T person); // prints Person info
T getNodeItem(int mNumber); //returns person object (accessor)
void printList(searchKeyType key); //print list of items held in array location
int size; // number of Persons in table
static const int tableSize = 1; // number of buckets/array size -- planning on using 70001--assuming 35,000 entries at once; largest prime > 2*35000
list <T*> table[tableSize]; // array of STL lists for chains
int hashFunction(searchKeyType searchKey); // hash function to return location (array index) of item
}; //end HashTable class
我将 adminPtr 传递给 addPerson,它似乎将其添加到列表中。为什么当我返回到 parseCommands 函数时会丢失数据?这是堆栈与堆的问题吗?我在某个地方需要“新”吗?那里有几行额外的行,我在其中打印出指针的地址,试图弄清楚发生了什么。
这是一个我无法解决的类的编程问题。我们必须使用一组 STL 链表来模拟哈希表。我们不允许使用向量、映射等。该程序涉及一个抽象基类(Person)和一个派生类(Administrator 等)和一个模板化的哈希表类。还有一个类(RecordsOffice)保存哈希表。
class RecordsOffice {
RecordsOffice(); // default constructor
void parseCommands(string fileName); // function to parse commands from a file to maintain the StudentList
HashTable <Person*> universityList; // creates empty hashtable