I'm using neo4j, storing a simple "content has-many tags" data structure. I'd like to find out "what tags co-exist with what other tags the most?"
I've got around 500K content-to-tag relationships, so unfortunately, that works out to 0.5M^2 posible coexist relationships, and then you need to count how many each type of relationship happens! Or do you? Am I doing this the long way?
It never seems to return, and my CPU is pegged out for quite some time now.
final ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(
"START metag=node(*)\n"
+ "MATCH metag<-[:HAS_TAG]-content-[:HAS_TAG]->othertag\n"
+ "WHERE metag.name>othertag.name\n"
+ "RETURN metag.name, othertag.name, count(content)\n"
+ "ORDER BY count(content) DESC");
for (Map<String, Object> row : result) {
System.out.println(row.get("metag.name") + "\t" + row.get("othertag.name") + "\t" + row.get("count(content)"));