int numPics = 3; //Populated from a query
string[] picID = new string[numPics];
//pictureTable is constructed so that it correlates to pictureTable[column][row]
string[][] pictureTable = null; //assume the table has data
for (int i = 0; i < numPics; i++)
//LINQ query doesn't work. Returns an IEnumerable<string> instead of a string.
picID[i] = pictureTable.Where(p => p[0].Equals("ID")).Select(p => p[i]);
我是 LINQ 的新手,但我一直在寻找并没有找到答案。我希望能够使用 LINQ 检查图片表中每一列的第一个字符串,以查看它是否与字符串匹配。然后,我想获取该列并从从 0 到 i 的每一行中提取数据。我知道我可以通过更改列并保持行相同来使用 for 循环来做到这一点,但我想使用 LINQ 来实现相同的结果。
此外,如果有可能摆脱第一个 for 循环并获得相同的结果,我也会对此感兴趣。
Column Name [ID] [Name] [Age]
Row 1 [1] [Jim] [25]
Row 2 [2] [Bob] [30]
Row 3 [3] [Joe] [35]
我希望能够查询列名,然后能够通过索引或查询行的数据从中获取数据。我将举一个例子,使用实现我想要的 for 循环。
string[][] table = new string[][] {
new string[] { "ID", "Name", "Age" },
new string[] { "1", "Jim", "25" },
new string[] { "2", "Bob", "30" },
new string[] { "3", "Joe", "35" }};
string[] resultRow = new string[table.GetLength(1)];
for (int i = 0; i < table.GetLength(0); i++)
if (table[i][0] == "Name") //Given this in a LINQ Query
Console.WriteLine("Column Name = {0}\n", table[i][0]);
for (int j = 1; j < table.GetLength(1); j++) //starts at 1
resultRow[i] = table[i][j]; //This is what I want to happen.
break; //exit outer loop
//Column Name = Name