我在这里做错了什么,但不知道是什么。一般来说,我对 Ember 和 Javascript 都是新手,所以请随时指出任何错误。我会很感激多一双眼睛。
我基本上有一个包含多个数据集的谷歌地图。在与视图一起使用的控制器中,我获取数据集并为每个数据集创建一个 dataSetController(ArrayController)。然后我让 dataSetController 加载数据并将其添加到它的内容和一个附加的标记数组中。但是,当该过程完成时,两个 dataSetController 都包含所有点,而不仅仅是特定数据集的点。
App.MapviewShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
dataSets: [],
createDataSets: function() {
'use strict';
var self = this;
// clean previous data
this.get('dataSets').length = 0;
url: '/active_data_sets.json',
type: 'GET',
data: {'project_id': this.get('id')},
success: function(data) {
data.active_data_sets.forEach(function(entry) {
// create a new controller for this dataset
var newds = App.AddressRecordController.create();
error: function() {
和 dataSetController 本身:
App.AddressRecordController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
content: [],
isActive: true,
dataSetId: 0,
markerColor: '',
datasetName: '',
map: null,
map_nelat: null,
map_nelng: null,
map_swlat: null,
map_swlng: null,
markerIcon: null,
markers: [],
mapBinding: 'App.MapData.map',
map_nelatBinding: 'App.MapData.ne_lat',
map_nelngBinding: 'App.MapData.ne_lng',
map_swlatBinding: 'App.MapData.sw_lat',
map_swlngBinding: 'App.MapData.sw_lng',
getAddresses: function(ne_lat, ne_lng, sw_lat, sw_lng) {
"use strict";
var self = this;
url: '/address_records.json',
type: 'GET',
data: {'dataset_id': this.get('dataSetId'), 'ne_lat': ne_lat, 'ne_lng': ne_lng, 'sw_lat': sw_lat, 'sw_lng': sw_lng},
success: function(data) {
data.address_records.forEach(function(new_address) {
if (!self.findProperty('id', new_address.id)) {
// add to the content
// add the marker
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(new_address.lat, new_address.long),
map: self.get('map'),
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
title: 'marker',
id: new_address.id
// add the marker for later reference
error: function() {
newBounds: function() {
"use strict";
this.getAddresses(this.map_nelat, this.map_nelng, this.map_swlat, this.map_swlng);
clean: function() {
'use strict';
// clean the objects in arracycontroller
this.forEach(function(el) {
// clean the markers
this.markers.length = 0;
showMarkers: function() {
'use strict';
var self = this;
if(this.get('isActive')) {
this.markers.forEach(function(mkr) {
} else {
this.markers.forEach(function(mkr) {
进一步调试后,我发现多个 AddressRecordControllers 除了markers array
. 为了规避这个问题,我现在将标记存储为内容并且效果很好。仍然不清楚为什么标记数组在不同的控制器上共享。