我从一个旧系统导出了一些粗糙的 mySQL CSV,我正在解析并加载到一个新的 Ruby on Rails 应用程序中。
"1","1","When a ticket is marked as Resolved, revert the assigned_to to the one who started it",,"7","1","1.00","0.00","2",NULL,NULL,"1","2009-06-04 16:40:37","2009-06-04 16:40:37",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"2","2","Email notifications when ticket is assigned to someone",,"1","1","1.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,"1","2009-06-04 16:41:21","2009-06-04 16:41:21",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"3","1","When a ticket is marked as Resolved, revert the assigned_to to the one who started it - and notify",,"7","1","1.00","0.00","2",NULL,NULL,"1","2009-06-09 18:10:47","2009-06-09 18:10:47",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"4","3","Change Password Capability","Fix the forgot password capability (and for bonus points, add capability for user to change once logged in.","7","1","0.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,"9","2009-06-09 18:13:45","2009-06-09 18:13:45",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"5","4","Manager View","Don't need listed:
Do need listed:
Assigned To
Position (since we're not assigning case numbers)","7","1","0.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,NULL,"2009-06-09 18:16:32","2009-06-09 18:16:32",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"6","5","TICKETS: Remove Position / Assign ID","Don't really need to assign a position, instead would be better to automatically assign a ticket number and be able to sort on that.
Also, when you don't assign a position to a ticket, it breaks the system (or at least it doesn't show up and causes an error in the Manager View)","7","1","0.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,"9","2009-06-09 18:19:10","2009-06-09 18:19:10",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"7","6","Manager View","Don't need listed:
- Milestone
- Status
Do need listed:
- Case ID (preferred)
- Position (until case id implemented)","7","1","0.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,"9","2009-06-09 18:24:07","2009-06-09 18:24:07",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"8","5","TICKETS: Remove Position / Assign ID","Don't really need to assign a position, instead would be better to automatically assign a ticket number and be able to sort on that.
Also, when you don't assign a position to a ticket, it breaks the system (or at least it doesn't show up and causes an error in the Manager View)","7","1","0.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,NULL,"2009-06-09 18:35:00","2009-06-09 18:35:00",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";"9","7","Ability to \"assign\" projects to users","Some way, even manual in the database, to indicate which projects a user may access","7","1","0.00","0.00","1",NULL,NULL,"9","2009-06-09 18:45:16","2009-06-09 18:45:16",NULL,"0000-00-00 00:00:00";
字段用双引号括起来,以逗号结尾,行以分号结尾。正如您所希望看到的,在特定领域内有硬回报(?)。这就是它们在 CSV 文件中的显示方式,而不是换行符。
我用于解析 CSV 的 ruby 测试代码:
csv_file_path1 = 'data/file.csv'
CSV.foreach( csv_file_path2, { :row_sep => ";" } ) do |row|
puts row[1]
当我通过 rake 任务运行它时,我得到输出:
rake aborted!
Missing or stray quote in line 9
编辑:更新以显示更多 CSV。