# Welcome Message
print ("Hello and welcome to the Plesha EasyTube Wizard!")
print ("Today we will be gathering measurements from you to determine the \
materials and cost of your tubes.")
print ("All measurements should be in centimeters!")
print ()
# Collect user inputs
height = float(input("Let's begin: What is the height of you desired tube? "))
radius = float(input("And what is the radius? "))
count = int(input("How many would you like? "))
# Set Constants
steelPrice = 0.14
rubberPrice = 0.02
# Calculations
import math
singleTubeVol = math.pi * (radius ** 2) * height
allTubeVol = singleTubeVol * count
singleTubeSurface = (2 * math.pi * (radius ** 2)) + (2 * math.pi * radius * height)
allTubeSurface = singleTubeSurface * count
singleTubeRubber = 2 * math.pi * (radius + 0.5) * height
allTubeRubber = singleTubeRubber * count
steelCost = steelPrice * allTubeSurface
rubberCost = rubberPrice * allTubeRubber
totalCost = rubberCost + steelCost
# Output
V------ here is where the problem is
print ("You wanted ", count " tubes in the dimesions ", height \
" centimeters by ", radius " centimeters (radius).")
print ("The volume of a single tube of your specifications is: ", singleTubeVol)
print ("The total volume of your tube order will be ", allTubeVol)
print ("You will require ", allTubeSurface " square centimeters of steel. Totalling "\
, steelCost "in price." )
print ("You will require ", allTubeRubber " square centimeters of rubber. Totalling "\
, rubberCost " in price." )
print ("Your total cost for this order will be ", totalCost)