我们正在从 IIS6 转换到 IIS7,除下载部分外,一切都进行得很好。发生的情况是下载已启动,但似乎正在发生重定向,并且下载了我们的 default.aspx 页面,而不是用户请求的文件。下面是我们在 IIS6 中使用的代码。
Private Sub GetFile(ByVal ReportQueueId As System.Int32, _
ByVal FileName As System.String _
Dim stream As System.IO.MemoryStream = Nothing
Dim lngRecordCount As System.Int32 = 0
Dim objWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim strServerName As System.String
strServerName = Page.Request.Item("SERVER_NAME").ToString()
Dim fURI As New System.Uri("http://" & strServerName & "/reportmonitor/" & FileName)
' Open the file into a stream.
stream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(objWebClient.DownloadData(fURI), False)
' Total bytes to read:
Dim bytesToRead As Long = stream.Length
Page.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Page.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & FileName.ToString())
Page.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", bytesToRead.ToString())
' Read the bytes from the stream in small portions.
While bytesToRead > 0
' Make sure the client is still connected.
If Response.IsClientConnected Then
' Read the data into the buffer and write into the output stream.
Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(9999) {}
Dim length As Integer = stream.Read(buffer, 0, 10000)
Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length)
' We have already read some bytes.. need to read
' only the remaining.
bytesToRead = bytesToRead - length
' Get out of the loop, if user is not connected anymore..
bytesToRead = -1
End If
End While
'Update status
lngRecordCount = UpdateStatus(ReportQueueId, _
listcounts_common.ListCountsCommon_CL.ReportQueueStatus.rqsDownloaded _
Catch SystemException As System.Exception
'Update status
lngRecordCount = UpdateStatus(ReportQueueId, _
listcounts_common.ListCountsCommon_CL.ReportQueueStatus.rqsOnHold _
'most likely a 404 file not found error
Me.lblErrorMessage.Text = CLASS_NAME & ":GetFile: " & SystemException.Message.ToString
Me.lblErrorMessage.Visible = True
objWebClient = Nothing
stream = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
运行此代码后,我读过的唯一另一件事可能是在调用 GetFile() 的父函数中,我们有以下代码:
' stops page html output. If this is not done, un-desired html code will be added to csv files
对 IIS6 和 7 之间的区别以及这个过程有什么想法吗?我尝试过的一切都没有奏效。新站点以 .NET 4 的集成模式运行。
我将 fURI 修改为外部文件:
fURI = New System.Uri("http://manuals.info.apple.com/en_US/ipad_user_guide.pdf")
该文件下载完美,所以我假设这是 IIS7 中的权限问题......关于我可能错过的任何想法?