So I'm attempting to implement some google analytics event tracking on dynamically generated pages. I'll be using something like

    _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category, action, opt_label, opt_value, opt_noninteraction)']);
    _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', category, action, opt_label, opt_value, opt_noninteraction']);

I'm wondering is it possible to use something like document.title to auto generate the category section of the GA code from the html title of the pages? All the pages use unique titles and it would be great if the events tracked on those pages could show up in GA as separate entries and not just category.


1 回答 1





// Unbind default behaviour
    $(document).off("ready.ga").on("ready", function () {
        //hollow out
        pageLoc = $(location).attr('href');
        // Introduce helper functions.

        (function ($, window, undef) {
            // ga selector.

            $.extend($.expr[":"], {
                ga: function (a) {
                    var attr = a.attributes,
                        len = attr.length;

                    while (len--) {
                        if (attr[len].name.indexOf("data-ga-") !== -1) {
                            return true;

                    return false;

            $.gaaApi = {
                trackEvent: {
                    event: {
                        value: "_trackEvent",
                        validation: "isString",
                        type: "string"
                    category: {
                        value: null,
                        validation: "optString",
                        type: "currentloc"
                    action: {
                        value: null,
                        validation: "optString",
                        type: "string"
                    label: {
                        value: null,
                        validation: "optString",
                        type: "string"
                    value: {
                        value: null,
                        validation: "optInt",
                        type: "integer"
                    nonInteraction: {
                        value: null,
                        validation: "optBool",
                        type: "boolean"
                trackPageview: {

                    event: {
                        value: ["trackPageview", $(location).attr('href')],
                        validation: "isString",
                        type: "string"
                    url: {
                        value: undef,
                        validation: "optString",
                        type: "string"

            var validation = {

                isString: function (obj) {

                    var empty = true;

                    if (obj && typeof obj === "string") {
                        empty = /^\s*$/.test(obj);
                    // If empty === true then something is wrong and we should return false.
                    return !(empty);


                optString: function (obj) {
                    if (obj === undef) {
                        return true;

                    return validation.isString(obj);

                isInt: function (obj) {
                    return (/^[\-+]?\d+$/).test(obj) || (obj === +obj && obj === (obj | 0));

                optInt: function (obj) {

                    if (obj === undef) {
                        return true;

                    return validation.isInt(obj);

                isFloat: function (obj) {

                    return (/^[\-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/).test(obj) || (obj === +obj && obj !== (obj | 0));

                optFloat: function (obj) {
                    if (obj === undef) {
                        return true;

                    return validation.isFloat(obj);

                isBool: function (obj) {
                    return (obj === true || obj === "true") || (obj === false || obj === "false");


                optBool: function (obj) {

                    if (obj === undef) {
                        return true;

                    return validation.isBool(obj);

            methods = {

                validate: function (param, name, location) {

                    var $element = this.$element,
                        data = $element.data("ga-" + name.toLowerCase()),
                    //pageLoc = $(location).attr('href');

                    if (!validation[param.validation]) {

                        throw new TypeError("Unknown validation type");

                    // Check the value.
                    isValid = validation[param.validation](data);

                    if (!isValid) {

                        throw new Error("object validation error on " + name);

                    // Assign the value.
                    // Some analytics methods accept numbers as strings so we check the return type.
                    switch (param.type) {
                        case "integer":
                            return data ? parseInt(data, 10) : null;
                        case "float":
                            return data ? parseFloat(data) : null;
                        case "boolean":
                            return data ? Boolean(data) : null;
                        case "currentloc":
                            return data;
                            // Default to string.
                            return data ? data + "" : null;

                createArgs: function () {

                    var binder = this,
                        event = this.event,
                        args = $.map(event, function (val, key, pageLoc) {
                            var pageLoc = $(location).attr('href');

                            var value;

                            if (key === "event") {
                                // We don't want to check for the event property in the DOM.
                                value = val.value;

                            } else {

                                // Validate and return the correct value from the DOM.
                                value = methods.validate.call(binder, val, key, pageLoc);


                            return value;

                    return args;

            gaa = function (element, options) {

                this.$element = $(element);
                this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.gaa.defaults, options);

            gaa.prototype = {
                constructor: gaa,
                trackEvent: function () {
                    var trackedEvent = $.Event("tracked.ga");
                    var currentLoc = $(location).attr('href');

                    this.args = methods.createArgs.call(this);

                    if (this.options.logit) {

                        if (window.console && window.console.log) {

                            // Push the data.
                            console.log("pushing to Google analytics", this.args);

                            // this.$element.trigger(currentLocation);

                    } else {

                        var gaq = window._gaq;

                        if (gaq) {

                            // Set the context for our deferred callback.
                            var binder = this;

                            // Push the data.

                            function () {


                                //    this.$element.trigger(trackedEvent);

                                // Redirect the location - delayed so that any other page functionality has time to run.
                                setTimeout(function () {
                                    var href = binder.attr("href");

                                    if (href && href.indexOf("#") !== 0) {
                                        window.location = href;

                                }, 100);

                        } else {
                            throw new ReferenceError(" _gaq not there");


            // wrapper definition 
            $.fn.gaa = function (options) {
                return this.each(function () {

                    var $this = $(this),
                        data = $this.data("ga"),
                        opts = typeof options === "object" ? options : null;

                    if (!data) {
                        // Check the data and assign if not present.
                        $this.data("ga", (data = new gaa(this, opts)));

                    // Run the appropriate function is a string is passed.
                    if (typeof options === "string") {


                    } else {

                        var handler = data.options.handler.toLowerCase(),
                            // Check for the event attr here as it might be other than the default.
                            event = data.$element.attr("data-ga-event");

                        // Overwrite if necessary.
                        $.extend(data.options, {
                            event: event

                        // Build the data as we have nothing there.
                        // First assign the event.
                        data.event = $.gaaApi[data.options.event];

                        // Then bind the handler.
                        if (handler === "load") {


                        } else {

                            data.$element.on(handler + ".ga", function (e) {


            // Define the defaults.
            $.fn.gaa.defaults = {
                event: ["trackEvent", "giveLocation"],
                handler: "load",
                logit: false

            // Set the public constructor.
            $.fn.gaa.Constructor = gaa;

            // Let's BEGIN
            $(document).on("ready.ga", function () {

                // Bind using the custom selector.
                $(":ga").each(function () {

        }(jQuery, window));

        // Set some options the ones below are the defaults.
        var options = {
            event: "trackEvent", // The event name unprefixed. 
            handler: "click", // The eventhandler to trigger the tracking. 
            // Using 'load' will track immediately.
            logit: true, //to logit


        var options2 = {
            event: "trackPageview", // The event name unprefixed. 
            handler: "click", // The eventhandler to trigger the tracking. 
            // Using 'load' will track immediately.
            logit: true, //to logit

        var options3 = {
            event: "trackPageview", // The event name unprefixed. 
            handler: "load", // The eventhandler to trigger the tracking. 
            // Using 'load' will track immediately.
            logit: true //to logit

        // Binds using the custom selector.  

        $("load.trigger").gaa(options3); //fires a ga onload after domready
        $("button.button1").gaa(options2).click(function () {
            console.log('\nmore button events\n', 'heres the URL:', location.href)

        $("#clickme").gaa(options).click(function () {



<load class="trigger">loading triggers ga event</load>
<button class="button1">fire ga event with address</button>
<button class="button1" id="clickme">multiple events</button>

位置绑定发生在这里,让 jquery 正确使用位置。

                  event: {
                            value: ["trackPageview",$(location).attr('href')],
                            validation: "isString",
                            type: "string"

您使用此方法的方法是正确的,但您必须更早地获取位置才能将其放入 ga。反正这个格式好像

 $("#button").gaa(options).click(function () {


这是一个有趣的脑痛。这应该使您可以访问 location.href 您以后需要它的地方。这个想法是在 DOM 准备好之后但在 _gaq 执行之前形成一个绑定。

于 2013-04-11T04:10:15.537 回答