git [some command] origin master
origin/master is behind by 7 commits
git [some command] origin master
origin/master is behind by 7 commits
以下是列出您拥有的不在 origin/master 上的“额外”提交的两种方法:
git log --oneline origin/master..HEAD
git rev-list --oneline ^origin/master HEAD
格式列出它们。此外,如果您的分支跟踪 origin/master,git status
git diff --stat master origin/master
classes/Mammoth/Article.php | 12 ++++++++++--
classes/Mammoth/Article/Admin/Section/Controller.php | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
classes/Mammoth/Article/Filter.php | 14 +++++++-------
classes/Mammoth/Article/Section.php | 18 ++++++++++--------
classes/Mammoth/Article/Section/IMySQL.php | 2 +-
migrations/20130411111424_ChangeNameToURIOnSectionsTable.php | 14 --------------
migrations/sql/up/20130411111424_ChangeNameToURIOnSectionsTable.sql | 5 -----
solr-core/conf/schema.xml | 2 +-
views/admin/section/form.php | 8 ++++----
views/admin/section/view.php | 10 +++++-----
10 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
$ git checkout
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 9 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
$ git branch -avvv
git push --all -n 2>&1 | grep -q 'Everything up-to-date' ||
echo "Outstanding commits to be pushed at $PWD"
It's not robust, as it will claim there are outstanding commits on errors. The biggest problem is that it will ask for username/password i.e. if attempting to push to a github repo with https-link (typically because I did a RO checkout on some repo where I'm not supposed to directly push changes).
The jtill answer seems to fit me the best, as it contains instructions on how to check this for all branches. Hence my second attempt looks like this:
git branch -avvv 2>&1 | grep -q ': ahead ' &&
echo "Outstanding commits to be pushed at $PWD"
However, this also have at least one caveat - there will be false positives if a commit message contains the string ': ahead '.
So then I have this command for "check the status of all the git repos":
for gitrepo in $(find ~ -name '.git')
cd $(dirname $gitrepo)
git fetch >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
echo "Git fetch failed at $PWD"
git branch -avvv 2>&1 | grep -q ': ahead ' &&
echo "Outstanding commits to be pushed at $PWD"