
我一直在开发一个“证明你是人类”的插件,当一切加载时我让它工作。我使用 jQuery UI 作为它的主干,并使用 Draggable 和 Droppable。一般的问题是:如何销毁和重置事件的插件?更具体的问题是:当我将错误的对象拖到现场时,如何在一切都被破坏后重置拖放能力。


    $.fn.robotProof = function(options){
        var defaults = {
            //Default variables

        var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
        return this.each(function(defaults){
        /* Here I style the elements because they were not styled by a CSS
           Then I randomly assign the elements a spot and append them to the container
           Then I use Draggable and Droppable */

            drag: function() {
                /* Drag Function Here */
            revert: 'invalid'
        $('.hole').droppable ({
            accept: '.valid',
            drop: function(){
                var username = $('#username').val();
                var email = $('#email').val();
                var password = $('#password').val();
                if(!username || !email || !password){ //IF ONE OF THE INPUTS IS EMPTY
                    $('.hardError').html("You've forgotten something").slideDown(300);
                    //////* THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO DESTROY/RESET THIS PLUGIN *//////////       
                } else {                        
                    $('.valid').animate({left: "286px",top: "1px"});//success





2 回答 2


玩得开心。:) 看起来我有很多时间,但这就是你想要的。所以线索是用



<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0;
        function init(){
            var brutal = 'mega conspirative content of your plugin :)';
        return this.each(function(){
           $('#counter').text('ding dong'+i).show().fadeOut(200);
        // lets overwrite the jQuery plugin function
        // here we load other work in the same namespace as before
           if (ZoroZonk=='push to test if stil running') 
           $('#report').text('my name is bond, james bond').show().fadeOut(100).fadeIn(100);
   $('#report').SelfDestroy('huaaa! time to run! but stil original function work');

<button id="selfdestroytester" onclick="$(this).SelfDestroy('push to test if stil running')">check if valid running code</button>
<div id="report"> placeholder for output </div>
<button id="bomb" onclick="">push to start selfdestroy!</button>
<div id="counter" style="display:none"> hitcounter </div>
于 2013-04-15T03:26:26.977 回答


droppabledraggable插件都提供了一个 destroy 方法来恢复所做的更改。

    $.fn.robotProof = function(options){
        var defaults = {
            //Default variables

        var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
        return this.each(function(defaults){
            var _this = this;
        /* Here I style the elements because they were not styled by a CSS
           Then I randomly assign the elements a spot and append them to the container
           Then I use Draggable and Droppable */

            drag: function() {
                /* Drag Function Here */
            revert: 'invalid'
        $('.hole').droppable ({
            accept: '.valid',
            drop: function(){
                var username = $('#username').val();
                var email = $('#email').val();
                var password = $('#password').val();
                if(!username || !email || !password){ //IF ONE OF THE INPUTS IS EMPTY
                    $('.hardError').html("You've forgotten something").slideDown(300);
                    //////* THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO DESTROY/RESET THIS PLUGIN *//////////       

                    //In this case destroy meanns reverting the added behaviour, that is removing both draggable and droppable behaviour from the affected elements
                } else {                        
                    $('.valid').animate({left: "286px",top: "1px"});//success
于 2013-04-15T03:36:45.110 回答