我建议您使用 Tweenlite 库。
// determine x,y landing location
// calculate the angle between ship's x,y & landing location.
// calculate the x,y location along that angle that the landing animation should begin
// Tween from ship's x,y to the x,y where landing sequence should begin
// set the onComplete parameter to call the function that triggers the landing sequence
// Tween from ship's current location to the landing location
// set onComplete parameter to call function that sets ship to idle animation
如果您使用 Tweenlite,这是一个如何设置 tween 的示例:
Tweenlite.to(ship, duration, {x:targetX, y:targetY, onComplete:startLandingSequence});
-- 持续时间是飞船从当前位置到达着陆序列应该开始的位置需要多长时间。
duration = distance / speedInPixelsPerSecond;