我有一个相当复杂的 linq 到我正在执行的实体查询,最后,我有一个结果集。我遍历该结果集,构建业务对象并返回该业务对象列表。它很快,问题是 2 个子属性是具有自己子对象的复杂对象。对于循环中的每个业务对象,我必须进行 2 次 DB 调用来填充其子对象。这两个电话减慢了整个过程,有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?这里是EF的菜鸟。(EF 4,SQL Server 2008,c#)
var newresult = from r in result // result is another complex query
join subedit in
(from sa in context.Security_Access
join g in context.Security_UserGroup on sa.EntityID equals g.GroupID
where (sa.PrivledgeID == xx) && g.UserID == userId
select new { user = g.UserID, linkid = sa.LinkID }).Distinct() on new { aid = r.AssetId } equals new { aid = subedit.linkid } into theSubEdit
from subEditAccess in theSubEdit.DefaultIfEmpty()
join subdownload in
(from sa in context.Security_Access
join g in context.Security_UserGroup on sa.EntityID equals g.GroupID
where (sa.PrivledgeID == xx|| sa.PrivledgeID == yy) && g.UserID == userId
select new { user = g.UserID, linkid = sa.LinkID }).Distinct() on new { aid = r.AssetId } equals new { aid = subdownload.linkid } into theSubDownload
from subDownloadAccess in theSubDownload.DefaultIfEmpty()
join subView in
(from sa in context.Security_Access
join g in context.Security_UserGroup on sa.EntityID equals g.GroupID
where (sa.PrivledgeID == xx|| sa.PrivledgeID == yy|| sa.PrivledgeID == 101) && g.UserID == userId
select new { user = g.UserID, linkid = sa.LinkID }).Distinct() on new { aid = r.AssetId } equals new { aid = subView.linkid } into theSubView
from subViewAccess in theSubView.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { r, EditAccess = (int?)subEditAccess.user, DownloadAccess = (int?)subDownloadAccess.user, ViewAccess = (int?)subViewAccess.user };
foreach (var asset in newresult)
// and build a new business object, set its properties
BoAsset boAsset = new BoAsset();
boAsset.HasEditRights = (asset.EditAccess > 0);
boAsset.HasDownloadRights = (asset.DownloadAccess > 0);
boAsset.HasViewRights = (asset.ViewAccess > 0);
boAsset.Description = asset.r.Description;
boAsset.DetailedDescription = asset.r.DetailedDescription;
boAsset.Keywords = asset.r.Keywords;
boAsset.Notes = asset.r.Notes;
boAsset.Photographer = asset.r.Photographer;
boAsset.PhotographerEmail = asset.r.PhotographerEmail;
boAsset.Notes = asset.r.Notes;
boAsset.Author = asset.r.Author;
// these 2 properties i've commented out are
// complex objects/entities, setting them the way I am
// requires me to call 2 separate methods which make 2 DB trips
// per business object.
//boAsset.Domains = GetAssetDomains(asset.r.AssetId);
//boAsset.DomainEntries = GetAssetCustomDomains(asset.r.AssetId);
return myListofObjects;