
Read in files
while the line isn't null...
Parse files
Write a header
Some comparisons
while (!input.startsWith("#") && !input.startsWith("P")) {
      prse = input.split("\t");//split the file by tabs
      pos = prse[7];
      poson = prse[8];
      pos = Integer.parseInt(poson);
      if (cnt < num.size()) { //if we haven't exceeded an array
         if (num.get(cnt).equals(pos)) { //if the first number is the same
              if (cnt2 < posstart.size()) { //if we haven't exceeded another array
                  end = Integer.parseInt(posend.get(cnt2)); //change to int
                  start = Integer.parseInt(posstart.get(cnt2));//change to int
                  if (pos < start) { //if it is less then the starting pos then it can't fall within 
                      break; //so break
                  if (pos < end && pos > start) {//I am trying to see if a number falls within the range of numbers from a separate file
                      out1.write(input + "\n"); //If it does: This is where I am writing out the line
                       break; //if I remove this break the program hangs here
                   } else {
                       cnt2++; //if it wasn't the same, add 
               } else {
                   cnt++; //if it was the same move to the next one
                   cnt2 = 0; //reset this number
                   break; //go  back to beginning
               } else {

因此,该代码可以完美运行大约 6500 行,但随后它突然切断了最后一行:

Blah    B   6   5   8   C   5   X   6
Blah    A   0   1   4   C   2   X   7
Blah    B   3   5   9   C   5   X   6
Blah    B   0   9   4

有谁知道我可以添加什么来阻止最后一行突然中断?我知道在 BASH 中你可以指定它等待......但我对 java 等价物感到困惑,并希望有人可以为我推荐一个并帮助更好地解释它。


2 回答 2



你关闭了输出流吗?也许你需要调用flush方法。– 卡尔


于 2013-04-10T17:44:05.400 回答

Actually, i made that mistakes a lot, i think it is because with the garbage collector,we don't really care about memory management,so,it tends to forget to close any iostream we'd opened or to flush memory to disk.That's a terrible thing to do though.

于 2013-04-11T02:13:38.013 回答