所以我正在努力让我的标题每天都改变颜色,并且我试图使用随机颜色来创建它。标题中有 2 种颜色,我正在制作它们的互补色。第一种颜色是随机生成的,然后通过 150` 更改色调来修改第二种颜色。The problem is when certain colors are chosen, they could be either too vibrant or dark. 我正在运行一个检查,以便我可以稍微控制亮度值,但仍有一些颜色太亮(例如极黄色)。我将在下面发布我的代码。任何帮助或建议表示赞赏!谢谢!

// grab a random color on hue 
$h = rand(0,360);

// color values 50-120 tend to be extremely bright, 
// make adjustments to the S and L accordingly
// a better solution is available?
if ($h > 50 && $h < 120) {
    $s = rand(60,80);
    $l = rand(30,50);
} else {
    $s = rand(60,90);
    $l = rand(38,63);

// declare string to place as css in file for primary color           
$randomColor = "hsl(". $h .",". $s ."%,". $l ."%)";

// declare degree for secondary color (30 = analogous, 150 = complimentary)
$degree = 150;

// point to secondary color randomly on either side of chart        
$bool = rand(0,1);
if ($bool) {
    $x = $degree;
} else {
    $x = -$degree;

// set value of the new hue
$nh = $h + $degree;

// if the new hue is above 360 or below 0, make adjustments accordingly
if ($nh > 360) {
    $nh -= 360;
if ($nh < 0 ) {
    $nh = 360 - $nh;

// set the secondary color
$secondaryColor = "hsl(". abs($h + $x) .",". $s ."%,". $l ."%)";



1 回答 1



function randColor() {
    return array( rand(0,360), rand(0,100), rand(0,100) );

function isAcceptableColor($colorArr) {
    // return true if the color meets your criteria

do {
    $color = randColor();
} while ( ! isAcceptableColor($color) );
于 2013-04-10T16:10:26.590 回答