
I am creating a wordpress website with multi-level of navigation.

When i say multi-level the parent link also has <a href="#">. I have this link for nothing. And this is creating issues when I check for Link quality in chrome extention "SEO Site Tools" It gave me I have over 200 links in my homepage and this is bad seo.

Is there anyway I can replace parent item link <a href="#"> to <span>? If I do will search engine make my website as scam? This is the structure I am trying to implement.

      <li><a href="product-1">Product 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="product-2">Product 2</a></li>

1 回答 1


我写了 seo 网站工具。每页 200 个链接实际上更像是一个经验法则……我相信你会没事的。如果您发送域名,请看一下,但我不明白您为什么要在菜单中列出所有产品。你可以做的另一件事是最深的页面用javascript写出导航代码,然后谷歌不会看到所有其他页面上的每个页面的链接。如果您选择这样做,请确保 google 仍然可以导航到这些页面(这通常通过类别列表页面完成)

于 2013-04-10T18:58:24.380 回答