i have a php page that displays a table from multiple MySQL queries and from their use a JavaScript function to sort the column results, all that works fine, my problem is i need to refresh the results of those queries every 10 seconds or so which works fine(with a meta-refresh), the problem is the refresh after column sorting. when the page refreshes the sorting is reset also. here is a snippet of the sorting function;

    function tablesort(which){  <-----I tried using the $_GET method you suggested
                                <-----But i get a "missing formal parameter" error
                                <-----When also using this suggestion and use the
                                <-----"onclick" i get a "tablesort" is not defined
if(which == '1.0'){<!--This sorts the pause row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[1,0]]});
if(which == '2.1'){<!--This sorts the total dialer row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[2,1]]});
if(which == '3.0'){<!--This sorts Wrap-up time row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[3,0]]});
if(which == '4.1'){<!--This sorts donation amount row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[4,1]]});
if(which == '5.1'){<!--This sorts Up-sale row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[5,1]]});
if(which == '6.1'){<!--This sorts the Monthl donation row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[6,1]]});
if(which == '7.1'){<!--This sorts the verified sales row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[7,1]]});
if(which == '8.1'){<!--This sorts the calles per hour row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[8,1]]});
if(which == '9.1'){<!--This sorts the payments per hour row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[9,1]]});
if(which == '10.1'){<!--This sorts the average sale row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[10,1]]});
if(which == '11.1'){<!--This sorts the sales total row, descending --> 
$("#Mtable").tablesorter({sortList: [[11,1]]});

here are the links that sort the table'

        Sort by: 
<a onclick="tablesort('1.0')"> Lowest Pause<a/>&nbsp &nbsp
<a onclick="tablesort('2.1')"> Highest Dialer<a/>&nbsp &nbsp
<a onclick="tablesort('3.0')"> Best Wrap-up<a/>&nbsp &nbsp

because of the refresh im wanting to pass the variable data from the onlcick to the URL similar to $_GET so it would would something like and then read into the sorting function;

localhost/dbtabke.php?which=2.1 <----exact URL example being used

any help on how to do that would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

@prabeen giri i have provided the complete function, thanks again


2 回答 2


我使用 $_GET 结束了以下操作,这是代码;

    <!--This gets the element from the URL to set the Sorting, so the page
        can be refreshed without losing the sorting-->
    <body onload="sorttable.innerSortFunction.apply(document.getElementById('<?php echo $_GET["id"]; ?>'), [])">

    <!--table headers that are used to determine columns to sort by-->
    echo "<th id=\"dialertime\">".ucfirst("Dial Time")."</th>\n";
    echo "<th id=\"pausetime\">".ucfirst("Pause Time")."</th>\n";

    ...*other table info*
    <!--links that sort the specific row-->
    <a href="?id=wrap-by-time"> Wrap-up time<a/>&nbsp &nbsp
    <a href="?id=wrap-by-percent"> Wrap-up %<a/>&nbsp &nbsp


于 2013-04-12T14:10:36.810 回答

您不一定必须使用 GET 方法来保留排序顺序。

您还可以使用 cookie 来存储排序顺序。这样您的代码会看起来更清晰。

function setCookie(c_name,value,exdays)
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value;

function getCookie(c_name)
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
  if (x==c_name)
    return unescape(y);


当页面第一次加载或刷新时,调用相同的排序函数并调用getCookie()以获取 cookie 值并将其设置为排序前的排序顺序。

如果你想使用 GET,这在页面刷新时也会起作用,我希望你tablesort()在文档准备好时调用这个函数。

tablesort('<?php print $_GET['MTable']?>') ;


于 2013-04-10T15:43:19.443 回答