由于在 Python 中标记化很容易,我想知道您的模块计划提供什么。我的意思是,当启动一个软件时,一个好的设计而不是首先考虑使用场景,而不是首先考虑数据结构。
import re
# some tokenizers
def tokzr_WORD(txt): return ('WORD', re.findall(r'(?ms)\W*(\w+)', txt)) # split words
def tokzr_SENT(txt): return ('SENTENCE', re.findall(r'(?ms)\s*(.*?(?:\.|\?|!))', txt)) # split sentences
def tokzr_QA(txt):
l_qa = []
for m in re.finditer(r'(?ms)^[\s#\-\*]*(?:Q|Question)\s*:\s*(?P<QUESTION>\S.*?\?)[\s#\-\*]+(?:A|Answer)\s*:\s*(?P<ANSWER>\S.*?)$', txt): # split (Q, A) sequences
for k in ['QUESTION', 'ANSWER']:
return ('QA', l_qa)
def tokzr_QA_non_canonical(txt): # Note: not supported by tokenize_recursively() as not canonical.
l_qa = []
for m in re.finditer(r'(?ms)^[\s#\-\*]*(?:Q|Question)\s*:\s*(?P<QUESTION>\S.*?\?)[\s#\-\*]+(?:A|Answer)\s*:\s*(?P<ANSWER>\S.*?)$', txt): # split (Q, A) sequences
for k in ['QUESTION', 'ANSWER']:
l_qa.append((k, m.groupdict()[k]))
return l_qa
dict_tokzr = { # control string: tokenizer function
'WORD' : tokzr_WORD,
'QA' : tokzr_QA,
# the core function
def tokenize_recursively(l_tokzr, work_on, lev=0):
if isinstance(work_on, basestring):
ctrl, work_on = dict_tokzr[l_tokzr[0]](work_on) # tokenize
ctrl, work_on = work_on[0], work_on[1:] # get right part
ret = [ctrl]
if len(l_tokzr) == 1:
ret.append(work_on) # add right part
for wo in work_on: # dive into tree
t = tokenize_recursively(l_tokzr[1:], wo, lev + 1)
return ret
# just for printing
def nestedListLines(aList, ind=' ', d=0):
""" Returns multi-line string representation of \param aList. Use \param ind to indent per level. """
sRet = '\n' + d * ind + '['
nested = 0
for i, e in enumerate(aList):
if i:
sRet += ', '
if type(e) == type(aList):
sRet += nestedListLines(e, ind, d + 1)
nested = 1
sRet += '\n' + (d + 1) * ind + repr(e) if nested else repr(e)
sRet += '\n' + d * ind + ']' if nested else ']'
return sRet
# main()
inp1 = """
* Question: I want try something. Should I?
* Answer : I'd assume so. Give it a try.
inp2 = inp1 + 'Q: What is a good way to achieve this? A: I am not so sure. I think I will use Python.'
print repr(tokzr_WORD(inp1))
print repr(tokzr_SENT(inp1))
print repr(tokzr_QA(inp1))
print repr(tokzr_QA_non_canonical(inp1)) # Really this way?
for ctrl, inp in [ # example control sequences
('SENTENCE-WORD', inp1),
('QA-SENTENCE', inp2)
res = tokenize_recursively(ctrl.split('-'), inp)
print nestedListLines(res)
顺便提一句。Python/Lib/tokenize.py(用于 Python 代码本身)可能值得一看如何处理。