import Queue
class Node:
def __init__(self, level, profit, weight):
self.level = level # The level within the tree (depth)
self.profit = profit # The total profit
self.weight = weight # The total weight
def solveKnapsack(weights, profits, knapsackSize):
numItems = len(weights)
queue = Queue.Queue()
root = Node(-1, 0, 0)
maxProfit = 0
bound = 0
while not queue.empty():
v = queue.get() # Get the next item on the queue
uLevel = v.level + 1
u = Node(uLevel, v.profit + e[uLevel][1], v.weight + e[uLevel][0])
bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)
if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.profit > maxProfit:
maxProfit = uProfit
if bound > maxProfit:
u = Node(uLevel, v.profit, v.weight)
bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)
if (bound > maxProfit):
return maxProfit
# This is essentially the brute force solution to the fractional knapsack
def getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weight, profit):
if u.weight >= knapsackSize: return 0
upperBound = u.profit
totalWeight = u.weight
j = u.level + 1
while j < numItems and totalWeight + weight[j] <= C:
upperBound += profit[j]
totalWeight += weights[j]
j += 1
if j < numItems:
result += (C - totalWeight) * profit[j]/weight[j]
return upperBound