
import Queue

class Node:
    def __init__(self, level, profit, weight):
        self.level = level # The level within the tree (depth)
        self.profit = profit # The total profit
        self.weight = weight # The total weight

def solveKnapsack(weights, profits, knapsackSize):
    numItems = len(weights)
    queue = Queue.Queue()
    root = Node(-1, 0, 0)    

    maxProfit = 0
    bound = 0
    while not queue.empty():
        v = queue.get() # Get the next item on the queue

        uLevel = v.level + 1 
        u = Node(uLevel, v.profit + e[uLevel][1], v.weight + e[uLevel][0])

        bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)

        if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.profit > maxProfit:
            maxProfit = uProfit

        if bound > maxProfit:    

        u = Node(uLevel, v.profit, v.weight)
        bound = getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weights, profits)

        if (bound > maxProfit):
    return maxProfit

# This is essentially the brute force solution to the fractional knapsack
def getBound(u, numItems, knapsackSize, weight, profit):
    if u.weight >= knapsackSize: return 0
        upperBound = u.profit
        totalWeight = u.weight
        j = u.level + 1
        while j < numItems and totalWeight + weight[j] <= C:
            upperBound += profit[j]
            totalWeight += weights[j]
            j += 1
        if j < numItems:
            result += (C - totalWeight) * profit[j]/weight[j]
        return upperBound 



2 回答 2



class Node:
    def __init__(self, level, profit, weight, bound, contains):
        self.level = level          # current level of our node
        self.profit = profit
        self.weight = weight        
        self.bound = bound          # max (optimistic) value our node can take
        self.contains = contains    # list of items our node contains

然后我同样启动了我的背包求解器,但初始化了root = Node(0, 0, 0, 0.0, []). 该值root.bound可能是一个浮点数,这就是为什么我将它初始化为0.0,而其他值(至少在我的问题中)都是整数。到目前为止,该节点不包含任何内容,因此我从一个空列表开始。我遵循了与您的代码类似的大纲,除了我将绑定存储在每个节点中(不确定这是必要的),并contains使用以下方法更新列表:

u.contains = v.contains[:]    # copies the items in the list, not the list location
# Initialize u as Node(uLevel, uProfit, uWeight, 0.0, uContains)
u.contains.append(uLevel)    # add the current item index to the list

请注意,我只更新了contains“获取项目”节点中的列表。这是主循环中的第一个初始化,在第一条if bound > maxProfit:语句之前。当您更新以下值时,我在此之前更新contains了语句中的列表:if:maxProfit

if u.weight <= knapsackSize and u.value > maxProfit:
    maxProfit = u.profit
    bestList = u.contains

这存储了您要访问的项目的索引bestListif v.bound > maxProfit and v.level < items-1之后我还在主循环中添加了条件,v = queue.get()这样我就不会在到达最后一项后继续前进,也不会循环遍历不值得探索的分支。


taken = [0]*numItems
for item in bestList:
    taken[item] = 1

print str(taken)


于 2013-07-06T19:07:38.420 回答

我一直在考虑这个问题。显然,您必须在 Node 类中添加一些方法,这些方法将分配 node_path 并将当前级别添加到其中。当您的 node_weight 小于容量并且它的值大于 max_profit 时,您在循环中调用您的方法并将 path_list 分配给您的 optimization_item_list,即您分配 maxProfit 的位置。你可以在这里找到java实现

于 2013-06-27T17:39:40.930 回答