我正在使用 Lithium 自定义组件来创建撰写博客文章最多的用户列表。我有一个写过博客文章的用户列表,然后打了个电话来获取每个用户写的博客文章的数量。

<#assign authors = rest("blogs/id/audiofile/posts")>

<#list authors.node_message_context.message.author as t>
<#assign count = rest("${t.@href}/posts/style/blog/count")>
<#assign orderedCount = count.value>
<#list orderedCount as c>
<li>Blog posts ${c} userid ${t.@href}


Blog posts 4 userid /users/id/2477

Blog posts 4 userid /users/id/2477

Blog posts 4 userid /users/id/2477



2 回答 2


@Wolfgang Fahl 希望我们可以修改 Lithium REST API =)!


<#-- this variable we need to store unique author ids -->
<#assign authorids = [] />
<#-- I'd use API v2 here, think for such stuff it's more powerful than v1 -->
<#assign query = 'SELECT author FROM messages WHERE conversation.style = "blog" AND board.id = "audiofiles"'?url />
<#assign response = rest("2.0", "/search?q=" + query) />

<#-- the response object will contain a list of blog post authors,
     we loop trough them to get uniqe ids of every user that has written
     a blog post, we need them later -->
<#list response.data.items as author>
    <#-- make sure each author just gets added once -->
    <#if !authorids?seq_contains(author.id)>
        <#assign authorids = authorids + [author.id] />

<#-- now we loop trough the unique author ids and ask for the amount of
     blog posts they have written -->
<#list authorids as id>
    <#assign query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE author.id = id AND board.id = "audiofiles"'?url />
    <#assign response = rest("2.0", "/search?q=" + query) />

    <li>User with ID ${id} has written ${response.data.count} blog posts</li>

代码未经测试,所以不能 100% 确定它是否有效,但我希望我选择的方法在上面的代码中变得清晰......

于 2015-08-11T13:46:25.003 回答

常见问题解答文章 http://freemarker.org/docs/app_faq.html#faq_modify_seq_and_map 概述了为什么这很棘手。基本上,它需要修改您的 restful 界面来为您完成工作:

<#assign authors = rest("blogs/id/audiofile/uniquauthors")>

将是一个新的 restful 接口的示例,然后在服务器端完成工作。

于 2015-03-29T03:18:38.973 回答