I want to wrap some activex dll to npapi. An ActiveX DLL can contain many controls, just like the one I'm going to wrap.

Can a npapi dll contain many controls? I know the npapi control is working like:


It just seems that the npapi dll can't wrap many controls, so I must split the controls in the activex dll, but I don't think it's a good idea because there are some public data structs.

Is it possible to have a npapi dll with multiple controls?


1 回答 1


是的,NPAPI 插件可以支持多种 mimetype,所有流行的插件实际上都不止一种(例如about:plugins在 Firefox 中检查)。

为插件指定 mimetype 的地方都支持指定多个 mimetype。

于 2013-04-10T09:02:26.643 回答