成可调用的例程)还是将它们翻译成普通指令,然后将它们“内联”到翻译的代码中。但是,使用第二种策略,我是否能够像在 haskell 中那样传递它们并部分应用它们?您对实现/翻译函数作为函数式语言的中心思想有何看法?
1243 次
1 回答
I can recommend the PJL book. I wrote a compiler with help from it (in 1989-90, in Prolog) and the book is a very good introduction to the subject.
It might be dated (written in 1987, 30 years ago) but it still covers the basics very well. It is, however, completely focused on lazy languages like Haskell. At the time Haskell did not exist and the book uses LML or Miranda, a predecessor language but the languages are very close.
于 2016-03-21T11:42:31.400 回答