Am using Visual Studio 2010 and developed a application and debugged it in a windows phone 7.5, after registering with [windows phone developer Registration] app.

Now i got a new windows phone 8, i could not register because i read that, the windows phone 8 will not be supported by zune. Without zune [windows phone developer Registration] will not detect your phone.

Some people says i need to use Visual studio 2012 for windows phone 8, then the problem i have i am using only windows 7 desktop operating system. Visual studio 2012 needs windows 8 desktop operating system.

Please suggest me can i run my app in windows phone 8 with visual studio 2010.

If the only way is to develop in Visual studio 2012 then will my application support for windows phone 7.

Please help me with your suggestions and answers.


1 回答 1


就是这样,你需要 WP8 的 VS2012,它本身需要 Windows 8。你可以随时下载两者的评估版并使用它们,最终在虚拟机中使用。与开发 Windows 8 应用程序的情况几乎相同。

关于手机版本之间的兼容性,微软重新编译了 WP7 应用程序,以便它们可以在 WP8 上运行,但我不知道这会反过来发生。

WP8 不需要 Zune,而且它在 Windows 8 上也不可用。

出于这个原因,我自己不得不切换到 Windows 8...

于 2013-04-10T05:00:36.803 回答