


start      <- "My name is"
name.first <- c("John","Jane")
name.last  <- c("Doe","Smith")
end        <- "and I am a person."


result.1 <- c("My name is John Doe and I am a person",
              "My name is Jane Doe and I am a person",
              "My name is John Smith and I am a person",
              "My name is Jane Smith and I am a person")

result.2 <- as.list(desired.1)



> mapply(function(x,y, start, end) paste(start, x, y, end, sep = " "),
+        name.first, 
+        name.last, 
+        MoreArgs = list(start, end),
+        USE.NAMES = FALSE)
[1] "My name is John Doe and I am a person."  
[2] "My name is Jane Smith and I am a person."

2 回答 2


You just need outer and paste

start <- "My name is"
name.first <- c("John", "Jane")
name.last <- c("Doe", "Smith")
end <- "and I am a person."

as.vector(outer(name.first, name.last, paste))
## [1] "John Doe"   "Jane Doe"   "John Smith" "Jane Smith"

paste("My name is ", as.vector(outer(name.first, name.last, paste)))
## [1] "My name is  John Doe"   "My name is  Jane Doe"   "My name is  John Smith" "My name is  Jane Smith"

paste("My name is ", as.vector(outer(name.first, name.last, paste)), " and I am a person")
## [1] "My name is  John Doe  and I am a person"   "My name is  Jane Doe  and I am a person"  
## [3] "My name is  John Smith  and I am a person" "My name is  Jane Smith  and I am a person"

as.list(paste("My name is ", as.vector(outer(name.first, name.last, paste)), " and I am a person"))
## [[1]]
## [1] "My name is  John Doe  and I am a person"
## [[2]]
## [1] "My name is  Jane Doe  and I am a person"
## [[3]]
## [1] "My name is  John Smith  and I am a person"
## [[4]]
## [1] "My name is  Jane Smith  and I am a person"

As you saw in your attempt, mapply will match only corresponding elements of it's input vector i.e. for first iteration it will use first elements of all input vectors, for second iteration it will use second elements of all input vectors and so on.

于 2013-04-10T04:46:54.847 回答
paste( start = "My name is",
        apply( expand.grid(name.first = c("John","Jane"),
                           name.last  = c("Doe","Smith"), 
               1, paste, collapse=" "),
        end  = "and I am a person.")

[1] "My name is John Doe and I am a person."   "My name is Jane Doe and I am a person."  
[3] "My name is John Smith and I am a person." "My name is Jane Smith and I am a person."
于 2013-04-10T04:59:06.770 回答