您可以将一些 3rd 方插件添加到 Heroku 应用程序以管理缓存。为什么要使用它们而不是使用内置的缓存框架?


1 回答 1


I am assuming these 3rd party addons work like CloudFlare or at least work on the same basic principles.

Caching Framework

  1. You control when the cache expires, allow for fresher more relavent content.
  2. Your site doesn't go down/get messed up/looks fugly when their service goes down.
  3. You can permanently cache things that will never change.
  4. Can make your own CDN with your own logic and setup.
  5. Fragment caching, meaning only part of the page expires instead of the whole thing, leading to less dog piles.

3rd Party Service

  1. Fire and forget.
  2. Cheap
  3. Usually pull all images, js, and css files into their 'CDN' also.
  4. Some claim added security because your site is now basically behind their servers now, though I haven't really read anything that said this was anything but market double talk.
于 2013-04-10T04:48:33.763 回答