My vim has path settings as shown below.
I think this is a default setting of 'path' I guess.
Because of this, g f opens c header files under the cursor.
But on C++ file C++ header files are not opened because the C++ header file location is not added to path
variable of vim.
set path+=/usr/include/c++/4.6
I think that this setting on vimrc
would be a solution.
But the problem is the actual directory location for C++ header file would be changed in every different linux distributions and g++ compiler versions.
How can I set path for c++ header files in a portable manner?
let g:gcpp_headers_path = system("g++ --version | grep g++ | awk '{print \"/usr/include/c++/\"$NF}'")
execute 'set path+=' . g:gcpp_headers_path
Now I am using this above: This works with g++ environment. Not tested with other compilers.