我有一个奇怪的问题,我的计算机对这个 python 脚本的反应与其他人的计算机不同(我在 macOX Mountain Lion python v =2.7 上)。知道如何解决这个问题,或者请报告系统上的输出?我只得到一行输出,而其他人似乎正确地得到了所有行。不幸的是,它无法在我的系统上运行,而我正是需要它才能运行的人。我的系统打印出正在爬取的表格的最后一行:
import urllib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#file_name = "/users/ripple/uspc-cpc.txt"
#file = open(file_name,"w")
while i==125:
url = "http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/classification/cpc/html/us" + str(i) + "tocpc.html"
print 'Grabbing from: ' + url + '\n'
i += 1
#get the table data from the page
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
#send to beautiful soup
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
table = soup.find("table", width='80%')
for tr in table.findAll('tr')[2:]:
col = tr.findAll('td')
#print 'hi'
uspc = col[0].get_text().encode('ascii','ignore').replace(" ","")
cpc1 = col[1].get_text().encode('ascii','ignore').replace(" ","")
cpc2 = col[2].get_text().encode('ascii','ignore').replace(" ","")
cpc3 = col[3].get_text().encode('ascii','ignore').replace(" ","").replace("more...", "")
record = uspc + ',' + cpc1 + ',' + cpc2 + ',' + cpc3 + '\n'
print record