-- this threshold is the key in this query
-- it means that
-- if the difference between two values are less than the threshold
-- these two values are belong to one group
-- in your case, I think it is 200
DECLARE @th int
SET @th = 200
-- very simple, calculate total price for a time range
;WITH totals AS (
SELECT p.name AS col, sum(o.price * op.quantity) AS val
FROM order_product_mapping op
JOIN [order] o ON o.id = op.orderid
JOIN product p ON p.id = op.productid
WHERE dateordered > '2013-03-01' AND dateordered < '2013-04-01'
GROUP BY p.name
-- give a row number for each row
cte_rn AS ( --
SELECT col, val, row_number()over(ORDER BY val DESC) rn
FROM totals
-- show starts now,
-- firstly, we make each row knows the row before it
cte_last_rn AS (
SELECT col, val, CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN 1 ELSE rn - 1 END lrn
FROM cte_rn
-- then we join current to the row before it, and calculate
-- the difference between the total price of current row and that of previous row
-- if the the difference is more than the threshold we make it '1', otherwise '0'
cte_range AS (
c1.col, c1.val,
WHEN c2.val - c1.val <= @th THEN 0
END AS range,
FROM cte_last_rn c1
JOIN cte_rn c2 ON lrn = rn
-- even tricker here,
-- now, we join last cte to itself, and for each row
-- sum all the values (0, 1 that calculated previously) of rows before current row
cte_rank AS (
SELECT c1.col, c1.val, sum(c2.range) rank
FROM cte_range c1
JOIN cte_range c2 ON c1.rn >= c2.rn
GROUP BY c1.col, c1.val
-- now we have properly grouped theres total prices, and we can group on it's rank
avg(c1.val) AVG,
SELECT c2.col + ', ' AS 'data()'
FROM cte_rank c2
WHERE c2.rank = c1.rank
ORDER BY c2.val desc
FOR xml path('')
) product,
SELECT cast(c2.val AS nvarchar(MAX)) + ', ' AS 'data()'
FROM cte_rank c2
WHERE c2.rank = c1.rank
ORDER BY c2.desc
FOR xml path('')
) price
FROM cte_rank c1
GROUP BY c1.rank
HAVING count(1) > 2
28 A, B, C 30, 29, 27
12 D, E, F 15, 12, 10
3 G, H, I 4, 3, 2