I have a list of birthdays that look something like this:
dob <- c("9/9/43 12:00 AM/PM", "9/17/88 12:00 AM/PM", "11/21/48 12:00 AM/PM")
I want to just grab the calendar date from this variable (ie drop everything after the first occurrence of white-space).
Here's what I have tried so far:
dob.abridged <- substring(dob,1,8)
[1] "9/9/43 1" "9/17/88 " "11/21/48"
dob.abridged <- gsub(" $","", dob.abridged, perl=T)
> dob.abridged
[1] "9/9/43 1" "9/17/88" "11/21/48"
So my code works for calendar dates of length 6 or 7, but not length 8. Any pointers on a more effective regex to use with gsub that can handle calendar dates of length 6, 7 or 8?
Thank you.