    HTML 1  I m getting this in string ->

           "<html>  <head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'
             href='http://www.taxmann.com/css/taxmannstyle.css' /> 
                 </head>  <body ><html>
                <body style='background-color:Black;font-size:30px;color:#fff;'>
        <div id=\"digest\">\r\n   
                   <p class=\"threedigest\">ST : Extended period of limitation 
                cannot be invoked for not paying tax if there was divergence 
        of opinion during relevant 
                period and 
                some judgments were in favour of assessee, 
                as there could be no suppression/wilful mis-statement
         by assessee</p>\r\n   

注意:我得到的这个 HTML 是正确的

BUT    String HTML 2 ->

                     <head> <link rel='stylesheet
                    ' type='text/css' href='http://www.taxmann.com/css/taxmannstyle.css' /> 
                     </head>  <body ><html><body style='background-color:Black;font-size:30px;color:#fff;'>
                    <link href='http://www.taxmann.com/TaxmannWhatsnewService/Styles/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
                    \r\n<title>Rs.560-crore tax evasion detected</title>\r\n<style type=\"text/css\">
                    {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; 
                Helvetica, sans-serif;}
                <div class=\"w100 fl-l\">\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l ffla fs18 mart10 fcred ttunderline tc tu\">
                    Rs.560-crore tax 
vasion detected</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l lh18 mart10\">
                The Central Excise Intelligence, 
Chennai Zone, has detected 164 cases involving excise
                 and service tax evasion of Rs.560 crore in 2012- 13.
     A total of 166 show cause notices
                 have been issued involving Rs.500 crore for 
    various central excise and service 
                tax cases during the year.
 – www.business-standard.com</div>\r\n\r\n

我想将 HTML 2 格式转换为与我尝试了很多但无法做到的 Html1 格式相同的格式。我也尝试删除一些 HTML 内容,但它不起作用,我不知道如何将 Html2 转换为与 Html1 相同,即使我也尝试使用 Java 删除它但无法做到请帮助我!在任何编程语言中使用替换或删除命令。


1 回答 1


试试这个,在你的代码的第一行删除两个不需要的 html 标签,即来自服务器的响应有两个 html 标签,因为你没有得到正确的响应。尝试删除所有不需要的标签并对齐 html 代码

public class TestScriptClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {

    String inputValue=" ";
      inputValue =inputValue+"<html><head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://www.taxmann.com/css/taxmannstyle.css' />"+ 
                    "</head>  <body ><html><body style='background-color:Black;font-size:30px;color:#fff;'>"+ 
                    "<html>\r\n<head> <link href='http://www.taxmann.com/TaxmannWhatsnewService/Styles/style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />"+ 
                    "\r\n<title>Rs.560-crore tax evasion detected</title>\r\n<style type=\"text/css\">"+ 
                    "  \r\nbody{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; "+ 
                    " line-height:18px;text-align:justify;} \r\n.w100{width:100%;}\r\n.fl-l{float:left;}\r\n.ffla{font-family:Arial, "+ 
                    "Helvetica, sans-serif;} \r\n.fs18{font-size:18px;}\r\n.mart10{margin-top:10px;}\r\n.fcred{color:#c81616;}"+ 
                    " \r\n.tc{text-align:center;}\r\n.tu{text-transform:uppercase;}\r\n.lh18{line-height:18px;}\r\n</style>\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n"+ 
                    "  <div class=\"w100 fl-l\">\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l ffla fs18 mart10 fcred ttunderline tc tu\">"+ 
                    "   Rs.560-crore tax "+ 
                    "vasion detected</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l lh18 mart10\">"+ 
                    " The Central Excise Intelligence, "+ 
                    "Chennai Zone, has detected 164 cases involving excise"+ 
                    "  and service tax evasion of Rs.560 crore in 2012- 13."+ 
                    "  A total of 166 show cause notices"+ 
                    "   have been issued involving Rs.500 crore for "+ 
                    "  various central excise and service "+ 
                    "  tax cases during the year."+ 
                    "– www.business-standard.com</div>\r\n\r\n"+ 
                    " </div>\r\n</body>\r\n"+ 
                    "   </html>\r\n</body>"+ 
                    "  </html></body>"+ 
                    "   </html>";

      String resultValue= inputValue.replace("<html><head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://www.taxmann.com/css/taxmannstyle.css' /></head>  <body ><html>", " <html><head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://www.taxmann.com/css/taxmannstyle.css' />");

于 2013-04-09T06:10:48.480 回答