我有两个视图页面使用相同的控制器和模型作为更改页面布局的一种方式,但我无法显示我的第二页。这是我的错误信息:The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter id of non-nullable type for method system.web.mvc.actionaresult ListView(int32) in UserController
<a href="/Roster/ListView">Click Here for List view</a>
<section id="users" data-bind="foreach: Users">
<div id="nameImage">
<figure id="content">
<img width="158" height="158" alt="Gravatar" data-bind="attr:{src: GravatarUrl}"/>
<a title="Email" id="emailIcon" class="icon-envelope icon-white" data-bind="attr:{'href':'mailto:' + Email()}"></a>
<a title="Profile" id="profileIcon" class="icon-user icon-white"></a>
<p data-bind="text:Name"></p>
<div class="accordion-inner">
<div data-bind="foreach: Users">
<img width="158" height="158" alt="Gravatar" data-bind="attr:{src: GravatarUrl}"/>
<p data-bind="text:Name"></p>
public ActionResult View(int id)
// get the menu from the cache, by Id
ViewBag.SideBarMenu = SideMenuManager.GetRootMenu(id);
ViewBag.UserApiURL = "/api/User/" + id.ToString();
return View();
public ActionResult ListView(int id)
// get the menu from the cache, by Id
ViewBag.SideBarMenu = SideMenuManager.GetRootMenu(id);
ViewBag.UserApiURL = "/api/User/" + id.ToString();
return View();
API 控制器
private UserService _userService = new UserService();
public IEnumerable<User> Get(int? id)
if (id.HasValue)
return _userService.GetUsers(id.Value);
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);