While(select COUNT(*) from Agreement as agr where agr.Id in (
select toa.Id from Agreement_TemporaryOnceAgreement as toa where toa.Executed =1)
and agr.EndingDate is null) > 0
DECLARE @AgreementID int;
SET @AgreementID =
select top 1 agr.id from Agreement as agr where agr.Id in (
select toa.Id from Agreement_TemporaryOnceAgreement as toa where toa.Executed =1)
and agr.EndingDate is null
update Agreement SET EndingDate = (
select tado.Date from TemporaryAgreementsDateOfExecution tado
where tado.AgreementId = CAST(@AgreementID AS INT))
where Agreement.Id = CAST(@AgreementID AS INT);