覆盖所有 n 个点所需的半径为 r 的最小圆数是多少?r 和 n 将作为输入给出,然后是 n 对整数,表示 n 个点的 xy 坐标。r 是一个实数,大于 0。n < 20。
如果该点位于圆内,则圆覆盖该点。如果该点与圆心之间的距离小于或等于 r,则该点位于圆内。
覆盖所有 n 个点所需的半径为 r 的最小圆数是多少?r 和 n 将作为输入给出,然后是 n 对整数,表示 n 个点的 xy 坐标。r 是一个实数,大于 0。n < 20。
如果该点位于圆内,则圆覆盖该点。如果该点与圆心之间的距离小于或等于 r,则该点位于圆内。
这是您可以实时预览的代码:http: //jsfiddle.net/rpr8qq4t/示例结果(每 30 个点 13 个圆圈):
var RADIUS = 50;
var SAMPLE_COUNT = 400;
编辑 2(最终算法)
这是给我带来最好结果的版本,你可以在这里查看 http://jsfiddle.net/nwvao72r/4/这里 平均每 30 点 12 圈。
我确定这个问题是 NP 难的,尽管我不打算在这里尝试证明这一点。
如果它是 NP 难的,那么为了找到一个有保证的最优解决方案,我推荐以下方法:
给定距离小于 2r 的任意 2 个点,正好有两个半径为 r 的圆穿过这些点:
如果一个圆覆盖了最大的一组点(意味着该圆不能重新定位以覆盖相同的一组点加上至少 1 个以上),那么该圆可以滑动直到其边界恰好接触它所覆盖的两个点 - - 比如说,将它向左滑动直到它接触到一个已经覆盖的点,然后围绕这个接触点顺时针旋转它直到它接触到另一个已经覆盖的点。这个移动的圆圈将完全覆盖原始圆圈所覆盖的点集。此外,我们永远不需要考虑覆盖非最大点集的圆,因为覆盖这些点和更多点的最大圆至少是有用的并且不会花费更多。这意味着我们只需要考虑接触两点的圆。
所以我们的潜在圈子池每对点最多包含 2 个圈子,总共最多 n*(n-1) 个潜在圈子。(通常会更少,因为一些点对通常相距超过 2r,因此不能被半径为 r 的单个圆所覆盖。)此外,我们需要一个额外的圆来处理距离任何点超过 2r 的每个点另一点——这些圆圈也可能以这些远程点为中心。
我们真正关心的是每个潜在圆圈所涵盖的点集。因此,对于每个潜在的圆圈,找到它所覆盖的点。这可以在 O(n^3) 时间内完成,对每个潜在的圆圈使用 O(n) 次。为了稍微加快速度,如果我们发现两个不同的圆圈覆盖完全相同的一组点,我们只需要保留其中一个圆圈(一组覆盖的点)。我们也可以丢弃任何作为其他覆盖点集子集的覆盖点集——在这种情况下,总是最好选择更大的覆盖点集。
最后,我们有一个覆盖点集的集合,我们想要找到覆盖每个点的这些集合的最小子集。这就是套套问题。我不知道解决这个问题的具体算法,但分支定界是此类问题的标准方法——它通常比简单的穷举回溯搜索快得多。我首先会通过首先找到一个(或多个)启发式解决方案来启动搜索,希望能产生一个好的上限,从而减少分支和边界搜索时间。我认为即使是最好的算法在最坏的情况下也需要指数时间,尽管我认为这对于 n < 20 是可以管理的,因为最多有 19*18 = 342 个不同的点集。
来自 Gautam K. Das 等人的论文“关于离散单元磁盘盖问题”。人:
最小几何圆盘盖。在最小几何圆盘覆盖问题中,输入由平面上的一组点组成,问题是找到一组最小基数的单位圆盘,其并集覆盖这些点。与 DUDC 不同,磁盘中心不限于从给定的离散集中选择,而是可以以平面中的任意点为中心。同样,这个问题是 NP-hard [9] 并且有一个 PTAS 解决方案 [11, 12]。
- R. Fowler、M. Paterson 和 S. Tanimoto,平面中的最佳包装和覆盖是 NP 完全的,信息处理快报,第 12 卷,第 133-137 页,1981。
- G. Frederickson,平面图中最短路径的快速算法及其应用,SIAM J. on Computing,第 16 卷,第 1004-1022 页,1987 年。
- T. Gonzalez,涵盖多维空间中的一组点,信息处理快报,第 40 卷,第 181-188 页,1991 年。
- D. Hochbaum 和 W. Maass,图像处理和 VLSI 中覆盖和打包问题的近似方案,J. ACM,第 32 卷,第 130-136 页,1985 年。
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import product
from math import sqrt
from pprint import pprint as pp
Pt = namedtuple('Pt', 'x, y')
Cir = namedtuple('Cir', 'x, y, r')
def circles_from_p1p2r(p1, p2, r):
'Following explanation at http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/53027.html'
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = p1, p2
if p1 == p2:
#raise ValueError('coincident points gives infinite number of Circles')
return None, None
# delta x, delta y between points
dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
# dist between points
q = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
if q > 2.0*r:
#raise ValueError('separation of points > diameter')
return None, None
# halfway point
x3, y3 = (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2
# distance along the mirror line
d = sqrt(r**2-(q/2)**2)
# One answer
c1 = Cir(x = x3 - d*dy/q,
y = y3 + d*dx/q,
r = abs(r))
# The other answer
c2 = Cir(x = x3 + d*dy/q,
y = y3 - d*dx/q,
r = abs(r))
return c1, c2
def covers(c, pt):
return (c.x - pt.x)**2 + (c.y - pt.y)**2 <= c.r**2
if __name__ == '__main__':
for r, points in [(3, [Pt(*i) for i in [(1, 3), (0, 2), (4, 5), (2, 4), (0, 3)]]),
(2, [Pt(*i) for i in [(1, 3), (0, 2), (4, 5), (2, 4), (0, 3)]]),
(3, [Pt(*i) for i in [(-5, 5), (-4, 4), (3, 2), (1, -1), (-3, 2), (4, -2), (6, -6)]])]:
n, p = len(points), points
# All circles between two points (which can both be the same point)
circles = set(sum([[c1, c2]
for c1, c2 in [circles_from_p1p2r(p1, p2, r) for p1, p2 in product(p, p)]
if c1 is not None], []))
# points covered by each circle
coverage = {c: {pt for pt in points if covers(c, pt)}
for c in circles}
# Ignore all but one of circles covering points covered in whole by other circles
#print('\nwas considering %i circles' % len(coverage))
items = sorted(coverage.items(), key=lambda keyval:len(keyval[1]))
for i, (ci, coveri) in enumerate(items):
for j in range(i+1, len(items)):
cj, coverj = items[j]
if not coverj - coveri:
coverage[cj] = {}
coverage = {key: val for key, val in coverage.items() if val}
#print('Reduced to %i circles for consideration' % len(coverage))
# Greedy coverage choice
chosen, covered = [], set()
while len(covered) < n:
_, nxt_circle, nxt_cov = max((len(pts - covered), c, pts)
for c, pts in coverage.items())
delta = nxt_cov - covered
covered |= nxt_cov
chosen.append([nxt_circle, delta])
# Output
print('\n%i points' % n)
print('A minimum of circles of radius %g to cover the points (And the extra points they covered)' % r)
5 points
[Pt(x=1, y=3), Pt(x=0, y=2), Pt(x=4, y=5), Pt(x=2, y=4), Pt(x=0, y=3)]
A minimum of circles of radius 3 to cover the points (And the extra points they covered)
[[Cir(x=2.958039891549808, y=2.5, r=3),
{Pt(x=4, y=5), Pt(x=0, y=3), Pt(x=1, y=3), Pt(x=0, y=2), Pt(x=2, y=4)}]]
5 points
[Pt(x=1, y=3), Pt(x=0, y=2), Pt(x=4, y=5), Pt(x=2, y=4), Pt(x=0, y=3)]
A minimum of circles of radius 2 to cover the points (And the extra points they covered)
[[Cir(x=1.9364916731037085, y=2.5, r=2),
{Pt(x=0, y=3), Pt(x=1, y=3), Pt(x=0, y=2), Pt(x=2, y=4)}],
[Cir(x=4, y=5, r=2), {Pt(x=4, y=5)}]]
7 points
[Pt(x=-5, y=5),
Pt(x=-4, y=4),
Pt(x=3, y=2),
Pt(x=1, y=-1),
Pt(x=-3, y=2),
Pt(x=4, y=-2),
Pt(x=6, y=-6)]
A minimum of circles of radius 3 to cover the points (And the extra points they covered)
[[Cir(x=3.9951865152835286, y=-0.8301243435223524, r=3),
{Pt(x=3, y=2), Pt(x=1, y=-1), Pt(x=4, y=-2)}],
[Cir(x=-2.0048134847164714, y=4.830124343522352, r=3),
{Pt(x=-4, y=4), Pt(x=-3, y=2), Pt(x=-5, y=5)}],
[Cir(x=6.7888543819998315, y=-3.1055728090000843, r=3), {Pt(x=6, y=-6)}]]
第 2 步,如果平铺非常稀疏,则可以通过遍历每个点并仅计算/保留那些包含一个点的圆来优化平铺。
我不确定这是否正确,但如果我们不需要解圈的确切位置,在我看来,我们可以通过查看点簇来解决这个问题:在任何解决方案中 -圆,任意两点之间的距离应小于或等于 2*r。
1. j_random_hacker indicated that any solution-circle could be shifted so that
two of its covered-points lay on its circumference without changing the
original covered-points. Since the solution-circle radius is given, for each
point: (a) calculate potential circle-centers using the point, radius, and
each other point that is at a distance of 2*r or less, (b) for each circle,
list the cluster of points that it could cover. Sort each cluster and, for
each point, remove duplicate clusters.
2. For each cluster group in 1., choose the cluster that has the greatest point-
count, that is, the cluster that is most shared.
3. Remove duplicates and clusters that are sub-sequences of other clusters
from 2., and present the resulting size of 2. (perhaps together with the
chosen clusters) as the solution.
*Main> solve
Paddy3118 示例的输出,r=3, [(1,3),(0,2),(4,5),(2,4),(0,3)]:
*Main> solve
r=3, [(-5,5),(-4,4),(3,2),(1,-1),(-3,2),(4,-2),(6 的输出,-6)]:
*Main> solve
import Data.List (delete, nub, nubBy, isInfixOf, sort, sortBy, maximumBy)
points = [(0,0),(5.196152422706632,3),(5.196152422706632,-3)]--[(1,3),(0,2),(4,5),(2,4),(0,3)]--[(-5,5),(-4,4),(3,2),(1,-1),(-3,2),(4,-2),(6,-6)]
r = 3
twoR = 2*r
circleCenters (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
let q = sqrt $ (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2
(x3, y3) = ((x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2)
first = (x3 + sqrt(r^2-(q/2)^2)*(y1-y2)/q, y3 + sqrt(r^2-(q/2)^2)*(x2-x1)/q)
second = (x3 - sqrt(r^2-(q/2)^2)*(y1-y2)/q, y3 - sqrt(r^2-(q/2)^2)*(x2-x1)/q)
in [first,second]
isInCircle (center_x,center_y) (x,y) = (x-center_x)^2 + (y - center_y)^2 <= r^2
findClusters (px,py) =
nub [sort $ [(px,py)] ++ filter (isInCircle a) potentialPoints | a <- potentialCircleCenters]
potentialPoints = filter (\(x,y) -> (x-px)^2 + (y-py)^2 <= twoR^2) (delete (px,py) points)
potentialCircleCenters = concatMap (circleCenters (px,py)) potentialPoints
solve = (length bestClusters, bestClusters) where
clusters = map findClusters points
uniqueClusters = nub . concat $ clusters
bestClusterForEachPoint = map (maximumBy (\a b -> compare (length a) (length b))) clusters
bestClusters = nub . nubBy (\a b -> isInfixOf a b) . sortBy (\a b -> compare (length b) (length a))
$ bestClusterForEachPoint
这是我的第一个答案,因为另一个答案提到了它,所以我将保留它。但是请参阅我稍后的答案,该答案考虑了两点之间的圆圈,而不是这个。 这是一个用 Python 编码的贪心算法,它会找到一个最小值,但我不知道它是否是最小的解决方案。
dbg = False
if not dbg:
r, n = (int(s) for s in input('r n: ').split())
points = p = [ tuple(int(s) for s in input('x%i y%i: ' % (i, i)).split())
for i in range(n) ]
r, n, points = 3, 5, [(1, 3), (0, 2), (4, 5), (2, 4), (0, 3)]; p = points
# What a circle at each point can cover
coverage = { i: frozenset(j
for j in range(i, n)
if (p[i][0] - p[j][0])**2 + (p[i][1] - p[j][1])**2 <= r**2)
for i in range(n)}
# Greedy coverage choice
chosen, covered = [], set()
while len(covered) < n:
# Choose the circle at the point that can cover the most ADDITIONAL points.
_, nxt_point, nxt_cov = max((len(pts - covered), i, pts)
for i, pts in coverage.items())
covered |= nxt_cov
print('Cover these points:\n %s' % '\n '.join('%s, %s' % p[i] for i in chosen))
r n: 3 5
x0 y0: 1 3
x1 y1: 0 2
x2 y2: 4 5
x3 y3: 2 4
x4 y4: 0 3
Cover these points:
1, 3
4, 5
注意:数据 i/o 是初级的,但算法应该清楚
如果中心圆C(cx, cy)
覆盖点,P(px, py)
则距离|CP| < r
是圆心 inP
和 radius r
假设输入点是顶点,并且它们之间的交点是边缘。现在我们有一个已知的图问题最小边覆盖http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_cover可以在多项式时间内解决(尽管有限的n < 20
If you place n
circles (of radius r
) all centered at each point, the find regions/points of maximum overlap and place new circles (of radius r
) centered in that region. I'm not sure if this is the best way of solving the solution (if this is a way to solve it, besides the brute force way), I'm sure you can implement it with a quite a decent amount of math, and thus lowering the run-time complexity of your solution. Hope this helps. Please give feedback.