i want to display a pie chart against multiple profiles (a list created from mysql database) on the same page. I am currently using iframes to call in the pie graph from another page but is there a better way to do this? Each chart has different values. Is it possible to create a function on the canvas?
<canvas id="cvs" width="100" height="100" >[No canvas support]</canvas>
window.onload = function ()
var donut = new RGraph.Pie('cvs', [17,40,25,8]);
donut.Set('chart.variant', 'donut');
donut.Set('chart.tooltips', ['Standard','Location','Social']);
donut.Set('chart.strokestyle', 'transparent');
donut.Set('chart.exploded', 2);
donut.Set('chart.gutter.left', 5);
donut.Set('chart.gutter.top', 5);
donut.Set('chart.gutter.right', 5);
donut.Set('chart.gutter.bottom', 5);
donut.Set('chart.colors', ['rgba(222,82,49,0.15)','rgba(222,82,49,0.40)','rgba(222,82,49,0.80)','rgba(222,82,49,0)']);