HornetQs 默认的 SecurityManager (HornetQSecurityManagerImpl) 将检查存储在 hornetq-users.xml 中的用户/角色。我想使用 LDAP 来验证用户;我有两种方法:
- 使用 Jass,并将其与 LDAP 一起用于对用户进行身份验证。
- 手动实现 SecurityManager 接口,并在我自己的安全管理器实现中使用 LDAP。
I'd say it's always better to use something that's ready and tested. Using JAAS with Ldap will give you an easier path as that should work nicely.
On the hornetq's distribution there's an example showing how to configure JAAS. You can just get the distribution zip at http://www.jboss.org/hornetq/downloads.html and refer the the examples that are part of hornetq already.