我正在尝试使用 C++ 实现非常基本的平台/精灵行为。

到目前为止,我已经成功渲染了 2 个平台和一个可以移动和跳跃的精灵。下面是一段模拟跳跃和重力的代码片段。

如果我2,3, & 6从注释为“//gravity”的片段中注释掉行,我不能完美地从下面跳过平台,但我无法登陆它......如果我让它们保持在下面,(使用check_collision功能),我可以成功跳上平台并左右移动。不幸的是,如果我再按一次跳跃 ( key119),我会从平台上掉下来,有时甚至会粘在平台下面而不是再跳一次。


    if(keyDown[119]){                                               //While 'w' key is pressed and not colliding
        if(!check_collision(sprite,platform)                        //If not colliding...
            && !check_collision(sprite,platform2)){
            y_Pos += jumpHeight;                                    //Jump up
            if(keyDown[97] ){x_Pos -= velocity*jumpLength;}         //While 'w' and 'a' are pressed, simulate arc of jump/gravity
            if(keyDown[100]){x_Pos += velocity*jumpLength;}         //While 'w' and 'd' are pressed, simulate arc of jump/gravity
        else                                                        //Else you must be colliding, bounce off
            y_Pos -= jumpHeight;
    if(keyDown[115]){y_Pos -= velocity;}                            //While 's' key is pressed
    if(keyDown[97] ){x_Pos -= velocity;}                            //While 'a' key is pressed
    if(keyDown[100]){x_Pos += velocity;}                            //While 'd' key is pressed

    if(y_Pos>0){                                                    //If above ground
        if(!check_collision(sprite,platform)                        //And not colliding
            && !check_collision(sprite,platform2)){
            gravity-=5*delta;                                       //Calculate gravity force
            y_Pos+=gravity;                                         //Descend to ground
        if(keyDown[97] ){x_Pos -= velocity*2;}                      //While off ground, whilst 'a' is pressed, move left
        if(keyDown[100]){x_Pos += velocity*2;}                      //While off ground, whilst 'd' is pressed, move right
    else{gravity=0;}                                                //Else, on ground, so gravity force is zero




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