我已经安装了 Ruby 1.8.7、ci_reporter 1.8.4、测试单元 2.5.4、rake 10.0.3。
我的 testA.rb, testB.rb ... testZ.rb :
require 'includeA.rb'
require 'includeB.rb'
require 'includeC.rb'
require 'includeD.rb'
Begin of the code...
... End of the code
这是我的 rakefile :
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rubygems'
gem 'ci_reporter'
gem 'test-unit'
require 'test/unit'
require 'ci/reporter/rake/test_unit'
task :default => [:test]
task :test do
sh "ruby -I E:/pathToIncludesA/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesB/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesC/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesD/" " E:/pathToTests/testA.rb"
sh "ruby -I E:/pathToIncludesA/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesB/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesC/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesD/" " E:/pathToTests/testB.rb"
sh "ruby -I E:/pathToIncludesA/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesB/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesC/" " -I E:/pathToIncludesD/" " E:/pathToTests/testZ.rb"
rake CI_REPORTER=reports test
一切正常,但现在我的“pathToTest”中将添加很多测试,现在我想运行所有测试,但在我的 rakefile 中使用一个 cmd。
我从 Windows 批处理 cmd 尝试这个:for /r "E:\ExempleOfTests\" %%i in (*.rb) do ruby "%%i"
它运行文件夹 ExempleOfTests 中的所有 .rb 文件。
所以现在我正在重构我的 rakefile,试图合并 windows 批处理 cmd。
这是我的新 rakefile :
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rubygems'
gem 'ci_reporter'
gem 'test-unit'
require 'test/unit'
require 'ci/reporter/rake/test_unit'
task :default => [:test]
task :test do
sh "for /r E:/pathToTests/ %%i in (*.rb) do ruby -I E:/pathToIncludesA/ -I E:/pathToIncludesB/ -I E:/pathToIncludesC/ -I E:/pathToIncludesD/ %%i"
但是当我使用“rake CI_REPORTS=reports test”启动时我的输出控制台:
unexpected %%i
rake aborted
commande failed with status (1) ...