我正在开发一个看起来像电子书阅读器(.text、pdf 文件等)的应用程序。我有一个巨大的文本,分为不同的章节或页面。
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.text.TextPaint;
public class PagerTask extends AsyncTask<MainActivity.ViewAndPaint, MainActivity.ProgressTracker, Void> {
private Context mContext;
public PagerTask(Context context){
this.mContext = context;
protected Void doInBackground(MainActivity.ViewAndPaint... vps) {
MainActivity.ViewAndPaint vp = vps[0];
MainActivity.ProgressTracker progress = new MainActivity.ProgressTracker();
TextPaint paint = vp.paint;
int numChars = 0;
int lineCount = 0;
int maxLineCount = vp.maxLineCount;
int totalCharactersProcessedSoFar = 0;
// contentString is the whole string of the book
int totalPages = 0;
while (vp.contentString != null && vp.contentString.length() != 0 )
while ((lineCount < maxLineCount) && (numChars < vp.contentString.length())) {
numChars = numChars + paint.breakText(vp.contentString.substring(numChars), true, vp.screenWidth, null);
lineCount ++;
// Retrieve the String to be displayed in the current textview
String stringToBeDisplayed = vp.contentString.substring(0, numChars);
int nextIndex = numChars;
char nextChar = nextIndex < vp.contentString.length() ? vp.contentString.charAt(nextIndex) : ' ';
if (!Character.isWhitespace(nextChar)) {
stringToBeDisplayed = stringToBeDisplayed.substring(0, stringToBeDisplayed.lastIndexOf(" "));
numChars = stringToBeDisplayed.length();
vp.contentString = vp.contentString.substring(numChars);
// publish progress
progress.totalPages = totalPages;
progress.addPage(totalPages, totalCharactersProcessedSoFar, totalCharactersProcessedSoFar + numChars);
totalCharactersProcessedSoFar += numChars;
// reset per page items
numChars = 0;
lineCount = 0;
// increment page counter
totalPages ++;
return null;
protected void onProgressUpdate(MainActivity.ProgressTracker... values) {
以下是PageTurner的做法。它需要一个滚动视图来显示长文本字符串。但是,滚动手势被覆盖。因此,当您执行“向左滑动手势”时,它将执行 Page Flip 动画并向下滚动视图(按屏幕高度)。因此,当您基本上手动滚动到视图底部时,用户感觉好像页面已经翻转。天才不是吗?而且您不必担心字体大小、段落间距、被剪切的单词等。该应用程序可在google play上找到。