I am an ASP.net programmer and don't know much about drupal cms.

In my website I have a registration web page(form) that sends the registration form to a specified email.

Previously it worked properly. but we moved server from linux to a windows server with IIS not apache. now the registration form is not sent to specified email. whats wrong? Should I change the sender email address in drupal?? If so how to set password and smtp address?


1 回答 1


Drupal 使用 PHP ini 文件中定义的外发邮件服务器。如果您无法更新/编辑它,那么最好使用SMTP 身份验证支持模块。


  1. http://drupal.org/node/1229932
  2. http://forums.iis.net/t/1164375.aspx/1
于 2013-04-08T12:59:51.233 回答