该程序应该读取 .txt 文件的各个行并找到每个人的测试分数的平均值。我在记事本中的 .txt 文件看起来像这样......
John Smith 5 9 8 10 7
Mary Brown 3 10 8 4 2
Bob Black 7 10 9 10 8
Filename? file1.txt ## file1.txt = the name of the data file the user input
John Smith 7.8
Mary Brown 5.4
Bob Black 8.8
Average over all students = 7.333333333333333
这是我的 Python 代码...
def main():
filename = input("Filename? ")
filename = filename + ".txt"
with open(filename,"r") as file:
for lines in file:
wholefile = lines.strip()
average = 7.333333333333333 ## This is simply a placeholder!
print("Average over all students =", average
我不确定我在做什么...如何使用列表下标和 if 语句完成此任务?