How do you create a Server Side Playlist for Flash Media Server that will play a list of files from a directory, e.g., a list of MP4 or F4v files? In particular, in what directories do you place the MAIN.ASC and MEDIA files and what additional settings are required by FMS? Lastly, how would you like to it via a browser or stream?

The documentation (from Adobe) is rather vague in this regard. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!


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要首先创建服务器端播放列表,我们需要编写 .asc 文件,该文件将托管在 fms 托管服务器的应用程序文件夹中。

为了在服务器端创建播放列表,我们需要使用 Stream Class。


application.onAppStart = function()

 application.myStream = Stream.get("playlist"); 




于 2013-10-04T06:45:40.697 回答