我是 TCL 脚本的新手。只是想从这里的专家那里得到一些建议。

我希望处理格式如下的报告。我正在考虑打印没有标题的报告,并且只使用单行,例如 -

Connections for net 'pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh' :: Driver a_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Output Pin (a_par) :: Load  b_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Input Pin (b_par)
Connections for net 'pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2' :: Driver d_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2 Output Pin (d_par) :: Load  e_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2 Input Pin (e_par), f_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (f_par)  
<more . . .>


Report : net
Design : soc
Version: G-2012.06-SP2
Date   : Sun Apr  7 22:56:33 2013

Connections for net `pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh`:

Driver Pins         Type                
------------        ----------------    
a_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Output Pin (a_par)

Load Pins           Type                
------------        ----------------    
b_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Input Pin (b_par)  


Connections for net `pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2`:

Driver Pins         Type                
------------        ----------------    
d_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2 Output Pin (d_par)

Load Pins           Type                
------------        ----------------    
e_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (e_par)
f_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (f_par)  


<more . . .>

1 回答 1




Report : net
Design : soc
Version: G-2012.06-SP2
Date   : Sun Apr  7 22:56:33 2013

Connections for net `pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh`:

Driver Pins         Type                
------------        ----------------    
a_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Output Pin (a_par)

Load Pins           Type                
------------        ----------------    
b_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Input Pin (b_par)  


Connections for net `pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2`:

Driver Pins         Type                
------------        ----------------    
d_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2 Output Pin (d_par)

Load Pins           Type                
------------        ----------------    
e_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (e_par)
f_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (f_par)  


<more . . .>


# Read file containing input
set inputfile [open "inputfile.txt" r]
# File where output will be written in
set outputfile [open "outputfile.txt" w]

# $type will contain the Pin Type and $outputline will contain the final
# line to be written
set type ""
set outputline ""

# Read each line in the inputfile
while {[gets $inputfile line] != -1} {
    # If first word in line is "Connections" execute
    if {[lindex [split $line " "] 0] == "Connections"} {
        # If $outputline not empty while in this if, it means that we have
        # reached a new connection. So print out the current connection
        # after joining all its elements by " :: " and reset the output line.
        if {$outputline != ""} {
            puts $outputfile [join $outputline " :: "]
            set outputline ""
        # Replacing the ` by ' and removing the end ":" and then putting
        # the full thing into $output line as an element of a list
        regsub -all {\`} $line "\'" newline
        set newline [string trimright $newline "\:"]
        lappend outputline $newline
    # If there is "Pins" in the line, this means we have a header. The regexp
    # captures the pin type by looking for any alphanumeric characters before
    # "Pins"
    regexp -- {([\w]+) Pins} $line - type

    # If there is " Pin " in the line, it means we are in a row of the
    # different 'Pins' type. Here, we put the while line after removing
    # the extra white spaces into the $outputline list.
    if {[regexp -- { Pin } $line]} {
        lappend outputline "$type [string trim $line]"
# We reached the end of the document. So, add the last line into the outputfile.
puts $outputfile [join $outputline " :: "]

# Close the files we opened.
close $inputfile
close $outputfile


Connections for net 'pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh' :: Driver a_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Output Pin (a_par) :: Load b_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh Input Pin (b_par)
Connections for net 'pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2' :: Driver d_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_2 Output Pin (d_par) :: Load e_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (e_par) :: Load f_par/pmg_ccu_ot2_tam_50mhz_sel_xainfwh_3 Input Pin (f_par)



if {[regexp -- {([\w]+) Pins} $line - type]} {
    set counter 0



于 2013-04-08T07:40:41.103 回答