我是 iOS 开发的新手(但在其他平台上拥有超过 10 年的整体经验,所以应该会有所帮助)。现在我必须创建相对复杂的 iOS 应用程序并且做得非常快:)。

我使用情节提要基于“选项卡式应用程序”模板创建了应用程序。然后我添加了使用 JSON 与 Web 应用程序通信的登录视图。我通过将适当的箭头从默认选项卡栏控制器移动到我的“登录视图控制器”来使这个视图初始(用户首先看到)。

在登录视图中,我有文本字段和登录按钮。通过单击按钮应用程序验证用户名和密码,然后将他导航到默认选项卡栏控制器(由 Xcode 创建)。我用这段代码来做:

WPFirstViewController *fvc = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @"TabBars"];
[fvc setModalTransitionStyle:UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical];
[self presentViewController:fvc animated:YES completion:nil]; 





3 回答 3



于 2013-04-07T22:06:27.267 回答

Modal view controllers are supposed to be used for cases where you need to get some critical information from the user (or present some to the user), without which you can't continue with the app. A log in controller would be a good choice for a modal view controller, but your main controller, your tab bar controller isn't. It would be better to present the login controller modally from the controller in the first tab of your tab bar controller. If you do this from viewDidAppear, and with no animation, it will be the first thing the user sees. When the user successfully logs in, just dismiss that controller, and you'll be ready to go in your first tab.

I'm not sure what you mean by your second question. The user navigates between the tabs by clicking on a tab -- you don't need to do anything in code for that.

于 2013-04-08T04:15:42.643 回答

Typically, login view controllers should be modally presented with: presentModalViewController:animated:

In regards to your UITabBarController, each tab can be a UINavigationController, which will enable you to maintain a stack of UIViewControllers.

All the remains is determining whether the view controller you want to present is modal, or part of said stack.

于 2013-04-08T00:35:44.480 回答