I'm making a simple Raphael-powered Javascript metronome. My trouble is with the click sound, which strangely starts firing twice after about a dozen clicks. I'm currently using the tag, but I have the same problem when using SoundManager2.

I've got it all on a fiddle here, and here is the important part:

<audio id="tick" src="http://experimentsinform.com/media/audio/tick.wav"></audio>

    var paper = Raphael("canvas", 300, 300);

    function tick() {        

    var metronome = function(x, y, l) {
         //draw metronome. See fiddle            
         var mn = paper.set(stick, vertex, weight).attr("transform", "R-20 " + x + "," + y);

         Raphael.easing_formulas.sinoid = function(n) { return Math.sin(Math.PI * n / 2) };

         return {
             start: function(tempo, sound) {
                 var interval = 120000 / tempo;            
                 var ticktock = Raphael.animation({
                     "50%": { transform:"R20 " + x + "," + y, easing: "sinoid", callback: function() { sound(); }},
                     "100%": { transform:"R-20 " + x + "," + y, easing: "sinoid", callback: function() { sound(); }}
                 }, interval);

        stop: function() {
            mn.attr("transform", "R-20 " + x + "," + y);

var m = metronome(150, 275, 250);
m.start(120, tick);


If you let it tick about 20 times in Chrome, you start getting a double-click sound. Anyone have any idea why? I kept the mp3 sound effect to 30ms or so.

Thank you!


1 回答 1


啊,Raphael 将动画应用于集合中的三个元素中的每一个,所以回调被调用了 3 次。感谢@UpTheCreek 和@StarBeamRainboxLabs。

于 2013-04-07T14:11:29.440 回答