我正在尝试从 JavaScript 函数中获取一组行。给定对特定函数的引用,我想返回一个数组,其中每个元素由函数源的单个连续行组成。
//the following function will be used as the input for getArrayOfLines, and each line of functionToUse should be returned as output (represented as a string).
function functionToUse(){
//This comment here should be included in the array of lines.
//This is the second line that should be in the array.
var funcLines = getArrayOfLines(functionToUse);
// should return:
// [ "//This comment here should be included in the array of lines.",
// "//This is the second line that should be in the array." ]
function getArrayOfLines(theFunction){
//return an array of lines from the function that is entered as input.
//each line should be represented as a string
var theString = theFunction.toString();
// now I'll need to generate an array of lines from the string,
// and then return the array