我正在尝试获取所有通过产品 ID 提交和传递的投标金额,我似乎无法让它工作,谁能告诉我我做错了什么?

我已将视图类放置在它的输出上,并将查询放置在 DB 类上



class ProductView extends View {
    protected function displayContent() {
        if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
        //get the record from database
            $this -> product = $this -> model -> getProductByID($_GET['id']);
            $this -> bidprice = $this -> model ->allbids($_GET['id']);
                if(is_array($this -> product)) {
                    $html = $this -> displayProduct();
                    } else {

                       $html .= '<p>Sorry, that product is not available</p>';

                        } else {

            return $html;

    private function displayProduct() {

            $html = '<div id="product">';
            $html .= '<img src="images/products/'.$this -> product['productImage'].'" alt="'.$this -> product['productName'].'" />';
            $html .= '<h3>'.$this -> product['productName'].'</h3>';
            $html .= '<p><strong>$'.$this -> product['productPrice'].'.00'.'</strong></p>';
            //.sprintf("%.2f" result was breaking the query placed .00. to give it currency rate.
            $html .= '<p>'.$this -> product['productDescription'].'</p>';
            $html .= '<p>'.$this -> bidprice['bidPrice'].'</p>';

            $html .= '</div>';
            $html .='<div id="space">';
            $html .='</div>';

        return $html;        



public function allbids($id){
        $qry = "SELECT userName , bidPrice as bidPrice FROM bids , users WHERE productID = $id";
        $rs = $this -> db -> query($qry);
        if($rs) {
            if($rs ->num_rows > 0) {
                $bid = $rs -> fetch_assoc();

            return $bidPrice;

        } else {
            echo 'Error Executing Query';   
        return false;

1 回答 1


我认为您只是从投标表中获取了一条记录,而且 allbids 函数似乎不正确,请尝试使用下面的代码,让我知道它是否适合您。


class ProductView extends View {
protected function displayContent() {
    if(isset($_GET['id'])) {
    //get the record from database
        $this -> product = $this -> model -> getProductByID($_GET['id']);
        $this -> bidprice = $this -> model ->allbids($_GET['id']);
            if(is_array($this -> product)) {
                $html = $this -> displayProduct();
                } else {

                   $html .= '<p>Sorry, that product is not available</p>';

                    } else {

        return $html;

private function displayProduct() {

        $html = '<div id="product">';
        $html .= '<img src="images/products/'.$this -> product['productImage'].'" alt="'.$this -> product['productName'].'" />';
        $html .= '<h3>'.$this -> product['productName'].'</h3>';
        $html .= '<p><strong>$'.$this -> product['productPrice'].'.00'.'</strong></p>';
        //.sprintf("%.2f" result was breaking the query placed .00. to give it currency rate.
        $html .= '<p>'.$this -> product['productDescription'].'</p>';
        /* here you have to place a for each loop that will fetch all the info for bid*/
        foreach($this -> bidprice as $val)
            $html .= '<p> Bid Price'.$val['bidPrice'].'</p>';
            $html .= '<p> Bidded By'.$val['userName'].'</p>';

        $html .= '</div>';
        $html .='<div id="space">';
        $html .='</div>';

    return $html;        


// your db function
public function allbids($id){
    $qry = "SELECT userName , bidPrice as bidPrice FROM bids , users WHERE productID = $id";
    $rs = $this -> db -> query($qry);
    if($rs) {
        if($rs ->num_rows > 0) {
            while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs))
                $bid[]= $row;

        return $bid[];

    } else {
        echo 'Error Executing Query';   
    return false;
于 2013-04-06T12:02:27.363 回答