我用于套接字通信的代码在命令提示符下运行的程序中工作,但是当在嵌入网页的小程序中使用相同的代码时,就会出现安全问题。它无法连接...请帮帮我,需要在 3 天内完成此操作.... 服务器:
public void run()
ServerSocket s1 = new ServerSocket(5555); // create a server socket and bind it to port number.
Socket s2 = s1.accept(); // make the server listen for a connection.
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(s2.getInputStream());
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(s2.getOutputStream());
char[] buf = new char[150];
String line = in.readUTF(); // wait for the client to send a line of text.
for(int i=0;i<150;i++)
if(Traffic1.s1wiut) buf[0]='1';
if(Traffic1.s1wist) buf[1]='1';
if(Traffic1.s1wirt) buf[2]='1';
if(Traffic1.s1silt) buf[3]='1';
if(Traffic1.s1siut) buf[4]='1';
if(Traffic1.s1sirt) buf[5]='1';
String line1 = new String(buf);
out.println(line1); // send the data to the client.
out.flush(); // flush the stream to ensure that the data reaches the other end.
public void run()
int serverPort = 5555; // port number on which the server is listening.
InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // create an object that represents the above IP address.
Socket socket = new Socket(ipAddress,serverPort); // create a socket with the server's IP address and server's port.
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream());
char[] buf = new char[150];
String line = "send"; // request string to send to server.
out.println(line); // send the above line to the server.
out.flush(); // flush the stream to ensure that the data reaches the other end.
line = in.readUTF(); // wait for the server to send a line of text.
buf = line.toCharArray();
if(buf[0]=='1') s1wiut=true; else s1wiut=false;
if(buf[1]=='1') s1wist=true; else s1wist=false;
if(buf[2]=='1') s1wirt=true; else s1wirt=false;
if(buf[3]=='1') s1silt=true; else s1silt=false;
if(buf[4]=='1') s1siut=true; else s1siut=false;
if(buf[5]=='1') s1sirt=true; else s1sirt=false;