I am storing the files extracted from a rar/zip file in a folder.
After that I am storing the files inside that folder to a database.
The problem is it stores only the files in the folder not the sub directories and its files.
How to find if the folder has any sub directories.
I am using the code below
Directory.CreateDirectory(StorageRoot + path + New_folder);
decom(StorageRoot + path + New_folder, StorageRoot + path + file.FileName);
foreach (var access_file in Directory.GetFiles(StorageRoot + path + New_folder))
string new_name=System.IO.Path.GetFileName(access_file);
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(StorageRoot + path + New_folder+ "/" + new_name);
int new_size = unchecked((int)f.Length);
string new_path = path + New_folder;
statuses.Add(new FilesStatus(new_name, new_size, new_path, StorageRoot, data));
How to get the list of files and directories in a folder. and save them in db?