我在哪里可以找到可视化(即绘图)2 层前馈神经网络的决策边界表面的程序?对于 1 层,决策面只是一堆直线。但是有 2 层(每个神经元可能还有 sigmoid 阈值),决策表面可能非常复杂和非线性,我猜甚至是不相交的。拥有一个交互式工具来在网络上获得动手“感觉”会很好......用于教育目的和研究:)


1 回答 1


It depends from the way, your neural network is implemented. If to trust your tags, you used wolfram-mathematica for implementation. It has some tools for visualisation: http://www.wolfram.com/training/courses/vis411.html http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ListPointPlot3D.html etc... For C# visualisation I use http://ilnumerics.net/ And for visualisation in Octave I use built in function mesh ( for 3d ) and plot for 2D. You just need to choose what to plot. Predicted values, input values, average of two, three, four input values.

于 2015-03-16T10:21:31.733 回答