好吧,同样的事情需要在 C++ 和 OpenCV 中做更多的工作:
// Load a single-channel grayscale image
cv::Mat gray = cv::imread("filename.ext", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
// Create an empty matrix of the same size (for the two empty channels)
cv::Mat empty = cv::Mat::zeros(gray.size(), CV_8UC1);
// Create a vector containing the channels of the new colored image
std::vector<cv::Mat> channels;
channels.push_back(gray); // 1st channel
channels.push_back(empty); // 2nd channel
channels.push_back(empty); // 3rd channel
// Construct a new 3-channel image of the same size and depth
cv::Mat color;
cv::merge(channels, color);
cv::Mat colorize(cv::Mat gray, unsigned int channel = 0)
CV_Assert(gray.channels() == 1 && channel <= 2);
cv::Mat empty = cv::Mat::zeros(gray.size(), gray.depth());
std::vector<cv::Mat> channels(3, empty);
channels.at(channel) = gray;
cv::Mat color;
cv::merge(channels, color);
return color;